Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

army judge

Super Moderator
Another holiday is but a few hours away.

I wish you all a very happy, safe, and fun filled holiday weekend with your loved ones, friends, families, and relatives.

If you're traveling may your travels be safe, as you arrive and return to your home.

May those traveling to spend time with you also travel safely, and return to their homes better for your time together.

These people said it far better than I can, so I leave you all with this:

For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food,
For love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson
We Give Thanks

Our Father in Heaven,
We give thanks for the pleasure
Of gathering together for this occasion.
We give thanks for this food
Prepared by loving hands.
We give thanks for life,
The freedom to enjoy it all
And all other blessings.
As we partake of this food,
We pray for health and strength
To carry on and try to live as You would have us.
This we ask in the name of Christ,
Our Heavenly Father.

– Harry Jewell
Beautiful. Hope you had a good one as well. Mine was spent with family and a lot of manual labor! I'd probably also include safe shopping among the hordes during Black Friday and Cyber Monday! Best to all of you.
Beautiful. Hope you had a good one as well. Mine was spent with family and a lot of manual labor! I'd probably also include safe shopping among the hordes during Black Friday and Cyber Monday! Best to all of you.

Always glad to see you about, Michael.
We enjoyed a quiet day of food, conversation, memories, and more food. LOL
Moving is one of life's biggest headaches, but well worth when you get ensconced in your new digs.

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