Harassed out of my home

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I am not sure I am in the correct forum, so please let me know if this post should be in a different forum.

I've had a home from 2005 to present that was rented 2005-2008, I moved into the house in October 2008 and before summer 2009 moved out because I could not handle the constant harassment of the neighbors (owners) of the house next door. The neighbor constantly parked a large commercial vehicle in front of my house because their family has so many cars they take up several spaces on the street. I had asked the neighbor and joked with him about stopping parking his flatbed tow truck in front of my house for a couple years before I moved in myself. When I moved in, he only parked half way in front of my house which is still a violation of the city code, but with the cold weather would start the truck up at 5:00 in the morning and let in run for 1/2 hour to warm up. My daughters bedroom windows on the front would actually vibrate from the noise of the truck. I mentioned to him the truck was too loud to warm up for so long and he just joked and said it did not run idling that long, but kept running it each morning. Finally, I called the police one evening when he parked in front of the house and they went to his house to tell him to move it out of the residential neighborhood. From there all heck broke loose. He blared the air horn going out of the neighborhood (at 10:30 at night), and I got crank calls immediately for about 1/2 hour, then each day would park in front of the house and sit in his truck and stare at me as I came out of the house to go to work. His stepson got in on the action and started sitting in front of the house playing music loud, or revving his own truck when I was home. Through may calls to the police, prompted by this as well as little things like putting my trash cans in front of my driveway on garbage day so I could not get out, parking their vehicles so close to each side of the driveway I could not get out, and making comments whenever they saw me outside. The local Police mediation unit got involved after the husband called me a whore, and his wife cussed me out. Things settled down from blatant violations to more passive aggressive types of things, like playing loud music aimed toward my house, sitting in their garage and revving an old car and generally talking smack, but not directly to me when I would go out to the mailbox, or walk down the street to my family's house. I moved out of the house in June 09 and planned on just walking away from the mortgage, filed bankruptcy and thought I had moved on. The bank now wants to see if they can work with me to keep the house, which I could afford, but I can not live there, and the ONLY reason is the neighbors. The house is listed for short sale and the neighbors are doing things like parking in the driveway of the home, staring at people going to the house, and today intimidated an appraiser and started cutting weeds and throwing them onto the front porch of the house. I thought the final straw was when I chose to move out, but now they are even interfering with the opportunity to sell. The bank is super motivated, but mysteriously the front bedroom window was shot with a bb gun or something, and somehow water got into the house, even though all the water mains are turned off. Is this anything that would amount to liability on their part for the financial and emotional harm that their conduct has caused me?

Yes, you can sue them.
But, you'd have to have proof, not just suspicion of wrongdoing or tortious conduct.

Let the house go.
Living amongst these "creatures" and "monsters" is hazardous to the health and well being of human beings, aka, YOUR FAMILY!!!!
Thank you

I do have proof including photographs, police reports and some witnesses to the conduct. I am ready to just let it all go and move on, I just wondered if I had wanted to pursue it, if I could sued for that kind of behavior. There is a part of me that wants to hold them accountable for their bad behavior, but most of the time I tell myself they are not worth my time or stress. I will have all contact with them eliminated once the house sells or forecloses and the nightmare will be over. Unfortunately, my family lives about two houses down the street from them, that is why I bought the house in the first place so we could be closer, so I will see them on occasion, but they have not done anything to me personally when I am at my family's house. I don't need to live across the street to still enjoy time with my family. Sometimes, it just takes a reminder to focus on what is really important to regain perspective. Thank you for your reply.
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