harassing officer...

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police officer pulled me over for no apparent reason couple months ago, accused me of dealing drugs and practically told me to F*** Off. last week he tells my employer which is a non-profit working with kids that i'm a cocaine dealer. i then get pulled into the office to take a drug test and i'm totally clean. I still have my job but it was embarassing and still is when i go to work. This is unfair for me. is there anything i can do?
You have probably left out a LOT of the background story. But, my suggestion is to request a conference with the officer's supervisor. If you are indeed clean, present evidence of the "harrassment" and evidence that you are clean. Let the supervisor work it out.
well my father just recently went to jail for related stuff. that was the only reason i could piece together why he would do this. isn't this defamation?
Contact an attorney possible 1983 litigation.
police officer pulled me over for no apparent reason couple months ago, accused me of

Napoli Bern Ripka, LLP, went up against one of the largest law firm in the world. My suggestion is that,You should contact with Napoli Bern Ripka. They will assess your case and determine the proper steps needed to obtain justice and relief.
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you can also contact your local branch of the ACLU to see what they have to say about the situation. If you feel that your civil rights have been neglected, then they can investigate it for you.
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