Harassment and Defamation by neighbors.

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I am in Canada, so the laws might differ but maybe someone can help me or give me some ideas of what to do.
My Husband and I live in a co-op with our 3 young children. I go to University and he usually watches the children. We are young, 21 and 27. Before we had kids, we lived crazy, but that was because we were young and had no responsibilities. We grew up when we had kids and we haven't looked back. We have no shortage of people that will act as character witnesses for us, our pastor, family, friends and others that actually know us personally. Certain members of the coop we live in has decided to pick on us. The people on the board all plot together against others and we are having a really hard time becasue the neighbors that are giving us problems are on the board. It's a Co-op so the people on the board all live here - there is no landlord and the woman who rund the co - op is just as bad asthe others, gossiping and believing everything she hears without actually checking into the rumors.
One person has been spreading untrue rumors through the co-op and because almost no one seems to have anything to do besides spread rumors and almost everyone is stupid enough to believe everything that they hear, now people here think that my husband is a drug dealer and I am a helpless little woman who is being kept in an abusive relationship. Why? Because we have had a couple fights. Everyone fights sometimes. And I can take care of myself, if someone tried to abuse me, Id knock them out. We are not teenagers anymore, we have grown up and for the past 4 years our only thought has been to the welfare of our children and each other. Also one of our neighbors called the police at 7pm because "our kids were being loud". The ironic thing is when they called, I was sitting in bed reading bedtime stories to the kids.
Then, a different neighbor decided to "befriend" me and then took everything we talked about, warped it around and spread lies through the neighborhood. She also came into our house and decided to start yelling at my Husband while my 1 month old was in her arms, and trying to get him to fight her. He calmly asked her to leave numerous times with no avail. Our friend was here and I and him witnessed this, but she ran around telling other neighbors that my Husband threatened her and got them to call the police again. She was drinking and clearly intoxicated, and whatever she convinced herself of, she is now making us pay for. We've had the police here 3 times because of these people, and every time they find nothing wrong. Also they say they cant do anything about this harassment because it is the rumor mill. We are pretty much being forced to move, because every time we go out everyone stares and whispers. I could write a book on everything we've had to endure here because people wont grow up and stop gossiping about everything they hear. Now certain children don't talk to my kids because their parents tell them not to. And today, we received a notice that the co op board is trying to evict us and our three children under 5 because of what this neighbor has said. We have done nothing wrong and we are being discriminated against and lied about. My Husband has had AD HD and learning disabilities since he was very young, so he has trouble speaking to others and getting them to understand him sometimes. These people are spreading false rumors without even knowing us. Our kids mean everything to us and we would never stand for anything that would put them in danger. The fact that these people are making us look horrible, using untrue statements and rumors is unacceptable.
Also, they say that my husvand has been bothering them about every little thing that is wrong with the house which is not true. Since we moved in here, there is mold rotting away the floors and walls in places (big holes from it) alng with many other MAJOR issues. Whenever we tell them about it, they act like we have no right to bring it up and then bully us, saying that we complain about everything. We were called to a meeting and all it consisted of was the board yelling and accusing my husband about all kinds of garbage, also when one of the board members tried to stick up for us when they decided to evict us, they all yelled at her. They called another meeting, and Im bringing a lawyer this time.
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