harassment and descrimination

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New Member
Hi All-
I am new to this site, but I need some advice. I work as a medical assistant (clinic nurse). I was working for a podiatrist in an office. He started dating the head of radiology and things started going down hill from there. First she started telling me I needed to do things that were not really my job. Like a fool I decided rather than cause conflict I did them. They got more and more frequent. She got to the point where she put out memos that certain things were my job, but did not apply to anyone else in my position. I have documentation (the memos, etc.) The doctor and the head of radiology moved in together and I noticed that my performance that he once thought was impecable, was now not good enough. Caught her several times going through my desk and papers before work hours. When all this was discussed with my supervisors they agreed there was a problem, but stated that she was a contracted employee from the hospital so they could not do anything. I was asked to work with a different doctor, who was not a specialty doctor which means raises would not be as much. I did that and the harassment has continued in more subtle ways. She has turned me into compliance because someone asked me if she was pregnant. I did not know, but she wanted me tell who asked me so she turned it in to the compliance dept. In the end I had to tell who had asked me if she was pregnant. It seems this harassment goes on and on. When I talk to my supervisor she tells me to move on and let the dust settle and to not talk to other employees about this situation. I am at a loss. I now really like the physician and other coworkers I work with, but I feel that this harassment will not stop. Sorry for the sob story, just wondering if anyone has any advice for me. Should I take action. I live in a small town and worry about it affecting other employment opportunities also. Thanks for your help.
Frustrated in South Dakota
Sorry, but nothing you have described her falls under the category of illegal harassment or discrimination. This isn't something for which there is legal recourse - it's an internal matter.
Wouldn't being told to move to a different position be considered descrimination? I was told that if I did not move positions, my supervisors were sure the harassment would not stop. My supervisors agreed that there was a problem, but "she was contract labor from the hospital" so they explained that they had no recourse with her. From what I have read, my supervisors and the organization in general has a responsibility to not allow harassment of any employee, even if the harassment is by a contracted person.
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