Harassment and discrimination

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My boss has been violating contract against me and treating me badly creating a hostile work enviornment. He has denied me leave that I accumulated while giving others including himself time off when ever requested. I filed a grievance with the union and they agreed he violated contact. I filed an EEO complaint to investigate his behavior towards me. The union won't participate in a redress mediator program which is taking place in the next few days. Is there anything else I can do I feel like he is bullying and doing whatever he wants to me. He ha scaused great sress to myself and family. Can I get legal help?? Or is this my last option?? It is a government job don't know if that matters.
The term, hostile work environment, has a very specific meaning under the law. It takes more than simply not letting you take leave.

SPECIFICALLY what is he doing that is treating you badly?
rude to me not to anyone else, his behavior toward me is very eveident to everyone in the faciltity, locks me out of the building during my scheduled work hours and buisness hours when there is a sign on the door that clearly states that it is to remain opened during buissness hours becaues it is a fire exit. Comments like You should lok for another carrer or if I want to fire you there are many things I can do.little things like that but they are not so little to me.
Sorry, but what you describe does not meet the legal definition of an HWE.

Unless you are being subjected to either sexual harassment or illegal discrimination/harassment under Title VII (race, religion, national origin etc.), you are not, legally, in an HWE.

We cannot say if the CBA is being violated because we have not read it. You may have recourse through the union. But nothing you have posted suggests that any laws have been violated.
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