Harassment by Boss at work

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Since the beginning of April, 2009 my boss also know as my QMRP [Qualified Mental Retardation Professional] "R" has been verbally harassing me over my "uniform" I wear to work. She has stated several times, "I do not want you wearing shorts to work." This has occurred 3-4 times since April. I have explained to "R" that the Policy and Procedure on the dress code of my company. It does not say anything about not being able to wear shorts. I wear below the finger tip length shorts, showing no cleavage of my buttocks or vaginal area. She would always reply with "whatever" and continue on her way.

On June 23, 2009 I drove to DHS for a Basic Water Rescue Training class at 10:00am at company's main office, along with many others from my company. I changed out of my "water wear" and into shorts and a tee-shirt BEFORE returning to work my shift at 2:00pm. As I walked into work "R" was there and looked at me and said, "I get tired of looking at your cellulite, so next time you want to wear shorts to work I'll bring it up in our meeting until it embarrasses you enough not to wear them anymore". I was completely stunned. I knew from my college training that this is not how you treat employees. I stood there not knowing what to say in response or to cause further confrontation. I looked around the room to see fellow employees laughing, as if it were a joke. "R" failed to pull me to the side to discuss the issue she had with my "cellulite", she openly embarrassed me in front of my co-workers; whom also happen to be her friends, outside of the work place.

On June 24-26, 2009 I attempted to reach "S", the head over all QMRP's in the company to file a complaint of harassment. Finally on June 29, 2009 "S" returned my phone call, and listened to the above story. I explained to "S" that I loved my job, my clients and that the company has been very good to me. The only response he said was, "this will be taken care of, although I can not discuss personnel matters with you." In respect for other's privacy I understood and asked no further questions.

On June 30, 2009 I once again go to work at 1:00pm, wearing my typical nursing shoes [because I am a Certified Nurse Assistant], long capris passed my knee caps, and a tee-shirt. I instantly began working with my clients who had just returned from school. As I finished making them their snacks, "R" yells for me to come over to her [from the kitchen, into the living room]. I walk over to her and she asks, "Do you have something you need to get off of your chest with me?", I say, "No I do not". She then says, "Are you sure?", and I said, "I am positive.". She then says, "Then why do you feel the need to call my boss on me, you should take things like a woman. If you have something to say to me just feel free to talk to me, my doors always open." I said, "Why do you not pay me the same respect, you openly harassed me in front of people I work with." She says, "I did say things about your cellulite, I am honest and will admit to it, and you can take how you want to take it." I began to tell her how I felt harassed by her and that she was inappropriate in the way she speaks to me. Her response was, "You should tell me when I'm being inappropriate, you have a big mouth for a white-girl". I said, "No, you are my boss, you should know how to be professional and talk to people in a professional manner". I walked away and began working, feeling discriminated against my race.

The same day, June 30, 2009, my co-worker's, whom are also who friends outside of work felt the need to speak to me in the same way. One co-worker, "T", politely pulled me to the side and discussed with me what the issues are and why "R" was so mad. She was telling me about "S" [the head QMRP] calling her, and about "H" starting majority of the rumors that are causing issues in my work place and etc. After the day previous few days I had, I was very upset. I finished my work shift that ended at 7:00pm and looked at my co-worker, "H", and told her to, "keep my name out of her mouth", and that she was stirring the pot and making things worse that she knew nothing about. She stood up and began screaming at me, and we exchanged words, most of which was just a slur of mixed up words that I could not begin to explain what was said. I leave after telling her that I do not play high school games, I am a professional and she needed to quit adding extra drama.

As I was leaving that evening, I decided to call "R" at 7:05pm to explain to her what had just happened as I was leaving work. She began to tell me that I "threatened" ""H"" and actions would be taken against me. I never said threatening words toward her, and "R" is trying to find a reason to fire me. I then called my house manager, "J", at 7:09pm to inform her of the same situation. She said she would have a sit down meeting to figure out where the problem is coming from and to hope it would get settled within the house.

On July 1, 2009 I attempted to call "S" at 8:15am to inform him of the situation that had occurred the previous day with "R" once again. He did not answer nor return my phone call. At 8:16am I called "D", the owner of my company, I left a message with his secretary for him to call me and it was urgent. I called to an attorneys office at 8:55am explaining my situation and began typing this list of events, and at 9:47am I received a call back from "D". I began telling him the what all had occurred and the entire situation; he began to tell me that there are, "always 2 sides to a story", and that he, "would get back to me", and, "understands how and why I am upset". I asked how long until I heard a reply about the issue and he said, "it could be a few days".

July 1, 2009 I had a Doctor Appointment due to the stressors/depression/anxiety from this work issue. I attended my doctor appointment at 11:00am, and he agreed I needed a break from work for a few days. The doctor wrote me an excuse off work due to my "anxiety", I turned it in that evening. I made 4 copies, I left one in the personal boxes of "R" [QMRP], "J" [House Manager] and "E" [Assistant Manager]. The doctor note stated to release me back to work on Monday, June 6, 2009. Therefore I would only be missing Friday, Saturday and Sunday shifts of work, due to being scheduled off July 1, and July 2, 2009. I have copies of my schedule and original document from my Doctor.

On July 6, 2009 I went to a meeting held at my work at 10:30am. I clocked in at 10:23am. Everyone I worked with ignored me and whispered throughout the entire meeting. No one said anything about my missing work, or the personal issues with anyone I have mentioned about. Before the conclusion of the meeting at 11:25am "R" asked me to stay back from the meeting to talk. I stayed, along with my House Manager, "J", and two of my co-workers were present as well, "C" and "T". They were all speaking in front of me about "finding someone to work tonight", meaning the night I was supposed to return. No one ever approached me regarding the situation until I spoke up and asked what was going on. "R" then looked at me and said, "We have discussed your doctor's note and feel since you have anxiety you should take a few more days off of work.". I responded by saying, "I was released to return to work today, my medical issues have nothing to do with your decision making". She went on to say how she would, "not discuss it with me any further", and that was, "her decision". After that "J" responded by saying, "Why would we want you to come back today, when you are scheduled off work again tomorrow and Wednesday? There is no point in you coming back for a day". I responded by saying, "I came here to work, I am released to come to work, and I don't understand why you all won't let me". At this point no one would respond, only "R" saying she would not discuss it any further, once again. I was told I could leave, and I clocked out remotely after that conversation and left the premises promptly.

I returned home and called to inform my husband of the situation, and an Attorney that recommended me to "find someone else". At 2:38pm "S" called me while having a meeting with "R". He asked me more specific questions about the argument with "H", and stated that he "heard" I threatened someone with a gun. I asked what was being done with my issues with "R" and he responded by saying, "he is working on it".

Unable to find any help with this situation, I completed an application for investigation from the Department of Fair Employment and Housing, and received an appointment date of July 21, 2009 between 8:00-11:00am.

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