Harassment by Neighbors

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I purchased my first home in May of 2008. The realtor had told us of a young man trying to buy my house but could not get the loan. His parents then came and trashed the house. Two weeks later we viewed the house and decided to buy it. The house needed extensive repairs and my boyfriend stayed at the new house to get the work done so we could move in sooner and not have to pay 2 mortgages any longer. I have 2 german shepherd dogs. they are very friendly and great with kids. One day My black shepherd got loose and prowled around the neighborhood. Not long after one of the neighbors came onto my property screaming and swearing up a blue streak saying that my dog had been chased out of her yard by her little pomerainian across the road and into her daughter in laws pool, which had no fence, was ground level right off the road. It had a cover on it so my dog, not knowing what a pool is supposedly tried to run across it and fell in. The dog did come back wet. However when we went to check out the hole there were 2 and they were the size of an ink pen tip. No way were they from my dogs monster claws. I called the neighbor and explained how sorry I was and that I had called a pool company and they would be there the next day to fix any problems with her pool. She proceeded to tell me how she didnt think so cuz I was gonna buy her whole new liner cuz her 5 year old pool was in mint condition. Which it wasnt. Needless to say she works for the local magestrate and sued me thru the dog catchers. The hearing was moved to another county, my attorney proved how her and her witnesses, which are all related and are other nieghbors, lied but yet I still lost. We went to county court, again i lost, the neighbor with the pool, as she was being sworn in says hey girl how are ya to the judge. Whatever!!! It is now being fought in Superior Court. We'll see......
The neighbors were care takers of a property bordering mine. When the family who owns this property show up to have an auctin, they notice many many things missing, all antiques. by now we have cameras on that side of our house, auction people come to go thru items and neighbors go dumpster diving to take even more stuff, which i have on tape. Then, head of estate calls us to ask if we have seen them stealing, we hand over all tapes. Head of Estate calls cops cuz more has just been stolen explains we have it on tape, police officer and friend of pool lady, calls pool lady and warns her. latest items were returned around 4 am that night. So, yeah, who can u trust??? Head of estate then puts my boyfriend in charge of caretaker job. This infuriates neighbors. They try to break in and steal whatever is left. I chase them out with spotlight and pistol. Didn't know I could have them arrested since it wasnt my property. Now I know!!
So, the day after the pool and dog incident, every car on my property gets its windshield smashed with a hammer. No witnesses, atleast nobody willing to testify and endure the same treatment from these wonderful neighbors. Oh, yeah turns out the young guy trying to but my house was pool lady's son. Next, wood and supplies are stolen, fuel from furnace, somebody tried to break into my 48 gun gunsafe. Again no witnesses. So I invest in cameras. My son's car gets the oil drained and oil plug stolen. 2 weeks later my other son gets his drivers permit and we take our other car for a drive, come back and find that all the lug nuts but 2 were removed from the front tires overnight. This I feel is attempted murder, but hey, no witnesses. mY CRAY NEIGHBOR, WHO WORKS at the county jail, never had a girlfriend, kids, wife, in his late forties, an alcoholic like the rest of the family, decides to come out on his porch, drunk shoot shot gun in air, then comes out screaming at the top of his lungs how he owns this town, we need to move, call the cops, I dont care, this is MY f***ing town, you hear me MY TOWN. A month or so later, My dog chases the othe little neighbor kid who wont stay out of our yard, she wants to play with him and his ball, he runs, makes it a game and she goes after him for the ball. Knocks him down, and tries to get the ball. Boys' mom says no big deal, it just scared him. I offer to put up a fence or get rid of the dog. She says she'LL LET ME KNOW WHAT SHE WANTS TO DO. That day I send my black dog to my uncles house because I can no longer handle this crap about the dogs and was waiting to see what they were gonna acuse her of next. I Keep my black and tan who knocked the boy down, have all her shot records ready, even tho there was no bite. And we wait for the dog catcher.The following monday a neighbor across the road who is the pool lady's uncle calls the cops and tells them my dog viciously attacks a boy. Cops come, say they cant do anything cuz there was no bite and complains about said neighbor being off his rocker(wierd in the head) . He leaves and the the dog catcher comes, (knows the situation with neigbors by now), says sorry gotta fine ya. Ok fine paid whatever!! then neigbors proceed 2 call state reps. office cuz their drinking buddy works there and report me and dog catcher. By now 6 or 7 neighbors are involved and calling people to add flames to the fire. Dog catcher comes again and asked me to remove dogs or put a fenc up cuz people are calling her from state reps office demanding something be done. NO WAY. they are my first line of defense against these people. they let me know when they are in my yard. I then, fed up call the state reps office and ask said drinking buddy if there is a new law I dont know about that says a secretary can make me put a fence in my yard? He says no, gets cocky and I hang up and call his boss's office at another location and complain about how he's making all these calls and causing me trouble when his boss is NOT my representative. The dog catcher does the same thing. 2 weeks go by and nothin else new. Then dog catcher calls and tells me how my black dog attacked pool ladies brothers dog on his porch. She says you dont even have her do you? I tell her no and you know that. She wasnt here the last time you were here. So she investigates. Finds out that the dog wasnt here, offers pool lady's brother the chance to change his story or pick another dog to accuse and he refuses, cuz he knows it was my dog. Then, his wife starts coming outside when my boys drive by and scream at them that they are pieces of shit. People drive up to my yard and take pictures of my dog. Now dog catcher gets calls from state rep. again and from our state capitol now requesting something be done. How can they????? People are telling me how pool lady'S SON IS BRAGGING ABOUT THE THINGS THEY ARE DOING TO US, BUT NOT TO ANYBODY WHO WOULD TESTIFY.
Last night cops show up here again crazy neighbor called and reported my son (17) GAVE HIM THE FINGER AND SWERVED AT HIM WHILE DRIVING and supposedly scared him. needless to say, my children know enough not to provoke the crazy SOB. This shit just never stops and I want to know how to stop it legally. How can I retaliate, legally? I'm tired of this harassment and I feel that if they want to come after me fine, let my kids out of it. If you can advise me on this I would be grateful!
All this over a Pool Cover that couldn't be worth any more than a few hundred dollars?

2 weeks later my other son gets his drivers permit and we take our other car for a drive, come back and find that all the lug nuts but 2 were removed from the front tires overnight.
There must be more to this than is written here. That is downright dangerous.

How can I retaliate, legally?
Sounds like a feud of the Hatfield and McCoys!! You don't want to RETALIATE, you want peace.

Your installation of cameras is good, report ALL illegal activity to the police whether there are witnesses or not. You must document everything. Take these documents and speak with law enforcement at the level which you feel someone will listen and take action.

Mean while, don't kill anyone... :D
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