Harassment (Only Minority ever)

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I have been employed with a law firm in a small city in the Midwest. I am the ONLY minority to have ever worked with this mostly conservative firm. They claim it is at-will. Of course, it was never mentioned until you are hired on and get your first paycheck. Of course, they have NEVER posted the required labor/employment postings every employer is required to post in a commplace area. Actually, they did for a week or two, but it was taken down. Perhaps not to give employees any ideas of what they're entitled to.

I have worked there almost six years. I report to one attorney (of counsel) who has always given me glowing reports; raises during the course of my employ. He is the "ONLY one that needs to be happy" as he's said.

I started when the first named partner was already romantically linked to his assistant who currently works with him. I had been warned to stay away from her ... she's been described as "poison" ... judgmental; always runs to "the partner" (lover) over every petty thing like "I don't like her. She didn't say hi to me" or "She doesn't even look up when I farted" ... whatever -- everything! I have managed to stay away from her because my attorney and I are located in a totally different floor -- up until NOW. Everyone she's had issue with, is no longer working there. Her "focus" is now on me. She was a lone soldier in the sense that the majority of the other staff didn't care for her. The other probate lady, who worked on our floor is now gone. She too, left on bad terms with this woman. This woman talked the partners into hiring one of her best friends, who is a "loud mouth", runs upstairs to share everything going on ... she is the "eyes, ears, (brown) nose" (... catch my drift?)

To make a long story short ... the partner and his assistant moved in together and now are married. The other partner has hired on his new young, second wife. (I have secretly coined them the "second-wives' club"). She has now even managed to hire her niece/cousin (or whatever in the hell she is) as the receptionist. Niece wants a challenge. There's no where else to place her but conveniently in my spot. My boss, who ALWAYS gave me glowing reports is now suddenly nitpicking at my work; he is a yeller and screamer and yells and screams at me and demeans me in the presence of clients and in front of this "new probate woman" who takes great pleasure in overhearing his yells and screams and demeaning me. She'll run upstairs and shares her stories with the second wives' club.

I am honestly feeling harassed and they are trying to force me out. My boss, who I have even ran errands for him such as picking up his kid from school; or getting his kid to school when he missed the bus; running him to the gym when he didn't have his car if it was being worked on; been left to care for his garden when he goes on vacation every summer; I've even managed to be confidential about his affinity for porn which he has blatantly left on his computer screen; he's made colored jokes which I've just blown off; there's been much more. My husband says, "Hang on. Don't walk. Let them let you go if they think AFTER five years of great reports they suddenly feel otherwise." Bad news for them? I've got a lot of notes, tape and video.

My gripe is this: I thought there were laws to protect employees from this type of crap. First of all, is it even a good idea to hire all of your "kin"? Even if this is a private firm, isn't it a bad idea to hire your wife/girlfriend because you don't want to risk preferential treatment? Are there no remedies for folks like myself?

The problem is this. If they ever approach me with firing me, I will sue. I am certain that the local judges will never make my case fly because ALL of the judges would have to recuse themselves because they have either worked with these guys or are closely related them. I am not about to let it go there anyway. I will take it to the Supreme Court level if I can help it. What remedies are there for folks for me? I won't take NO for an answer. I am looking to see what kind of answers I get here, but I am seeking other means.

Can someone give me feedback or advice? I am getting more and more pissed as I think about this more ...:mad:
At will is the default. In 49 out of 50 states, and in some circumstances in the 50th, you are an at-will employee unless you have a legally binding document that says you're not.

Nothing you have posted suggests any illegality. Bad management yes; illegal discrimination/harassment, no.
Bad management???????? Dim-witted management is more like it, yes. There ARE laws protecting employees from being taken advantage of by such dim wits. Your answer is appreciated. Will keep delving and checking into this ... have connections with counsel in Indy, Florida, D.C., Chicago and California. They are also checking into it. Thank you.
So, where is your evidence that you are being harassed BECAUSE OF your race, religion, national origin or whatever? Without that, it's not illegal.
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