Harassment Or Not

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New Member
I am currently having issues with my supervisor when it comes to policy
and procedures. I have worked for this retailer for almost ten years and know
my job responsibility word for word as the company has it written. My current
supervisor seems to think he can remake any policy he sees fit and create new ones, which he sends emails out threatening to write you up if you don't
comply. My most recent problem is that a threatening email was sent out
telling me that my group, which i supervise, had until a certain date to be register trained or i along with my group would be written up. There is no policy in the company that requires my area to be register trained. This email
that was addressed to me was also forwarded to three of the associates which i supervise by him. Basically Humiliating me in front of them. The email also starts off by saying that everyone in the store does everything, but he is not holding everyone to the same deadline to be register trained.
Only my group. In fact he is not holding any other group of associates to a deadline or asking them to be register trained, but his email said that everyone does everything. Can i force his hand to have the entire store register trained and trained on Everything in the store based on his comments in his email? Is this Harassment by only coming after me and my group? I also have emails demanding i turn in Time and Motion studies on me and my group. This also is not a company policy and no one else in the store has been told to do this task. The list with him goes on and on. What can be done?
This is not harassment as defined under the law.

Whether others are being required to be register trained is irrelevant. There does not have to be a written policy for your manager to require it of you. If he wants your group to be register trained, then your group had better be register trained, and no, you cannot "force his hand" to require it of the entire store.
You and your co-workers can force his hand collectively through petition or strike.
Sure, if they are all willing to be fired.

I don't see a reference to a union, here.
Sure, if they are all willing to be fired.

I don't see a reference to a union, here.

Really? Here is the reference for needing one.
I am currently having issues with my supervisor when it comes to policy
and procedures....everyone in the store does everything, but he is not holding everyone to the same deadline to be register trained.Only my group. In fact he is not holding any other group of associates to a deadline or asking them to be register trained, but his email said that everyone does everything. Can i force his hand

Legally they can not be fired for acting collectively.
If you want to translate a walkout because they decided they don't want to be trained on the register as acting collectively, I guess there's nothing stopping you from doing so.
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