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I have bought a moble home in a small community. I have had some problems with my neighbors. The neighbor that lives on the one side of me has been pounding on my door everytime we play our stereo and it isn't loud. Then he has also cursed and swore at us over our dog yipping to come back into the house when it is only out for a period of 1/2 hour through the day and evening. His wife also has alot to say..We have never done anything to deserve such treatment from these people. We have also been staying indoors and minding our business so that there are no problems and the next thing I no they are calling the police on us because they had a concern for our 11 year old daughter which no one in the park sees out running the roads. This is getting to be redickulas is there any hope for me as I own the moble home but rent the land in a park..what should I do..
Have you spoke with Mangement from the park? Have you turned down your stero. Have you brought in your dog? What have Police said? What are the concerns over your daughter? Nothing posted sounds unreasonable or something that cant be fixed. Your idea of not loud may differ with theirs. The idea of a dog barking for 30 minutes seems excessive in my view and I see the annoyance
ok u have misunderstood when I said the dog was out for 1/2 hour that is like 5 or 10 minutes at a time. and it does not bark it yips to get back into the house, most of the time i get there before 3 yips but it depends where i am in the house as i am disabled and can't walk fast. The stereo is on the tv and it is only surround sound and when he has been over to complain it is at the end of a movie where they play music. The police said they have no concerns here, and that we are the highlight of the park for this month and that probally next month it will be someone else.
I have had my share of problem neighbors, lately, too! :(

I, too, have a problem with my neighbors. Today, a lady, who works for a neighbor's daycare, came over as I was backing my car out of the driveway, to tell that if the two-year old gets outside, I needed to come and tell them - like it's MY job to take care of kids that are supposed to be in their care? And, yet, another neighbor complained that my daughters took her son's shoes off the back porch into their wooded backyard - and my girls weren't even home. These are just a few examples, but this has been going on for months. I can't really afford to move and I am really getting really sick of this people coming to my house to bother me because they can't take care of their own responsibilities, get diluted over who's doing what because they're not watching their kids. I refuse to become a hermit because my neighbors are a-holes. What can I do to get them to leave me alone? Any suggestions would be helpful! Thank you.
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