We have had our mortgage comp call our neighbors, friends, even my sister in laws family over payment agreements. I can make an agreement and they continue to call. I am under 30 days late, and my husband is the only one working right now. After his wreck and 3 mth inability to work, we lost our his business and we've had unexpected things ever since. The most resent being my hospital stay wih meningitis and enchephilitis. My husbands name is not on the trailer, and we have been behind ever since the wreck, but I always make my payments, always, it was just hard to make the five hundred dollar payments for three months while he wasn't working. We had two kids, my daughters autistic, and she was 18 mths, and my son was new born, so I had not been working. This has all been explained to the comp, and they have been very good to work with me till a new rep took over my case, she calls everyone!!!!! Even when the arrangement has been made and documented, she still calls everyone, she called me this morning and the payment was due this evening. The arrangement had already been okayed with her supervisor, and she still called. She hadn't even let the payment be late yet. This is not anyone's business but mine and theirs, everyone is gettin tired of her bothering them, is this treatment legal? If not what can I do about it? Do I need to keep a journey of dates and times recording the calls? Please help, any advice is appreciated.