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There is a man at work that is accusing my husband and me of chasing him around town on a motorcycle, wearing clown suits. While this may seem humorous, he is serious. He has not said anything to us personally, but he stares me down at work and uses gestures to intimidate me. My personnel department says this does not constitute harassment because he is not coming against my gender or race. He makes me feel uncomfortable and I say this constitutes a hostile work environment. What can we do?
You are wrong. This does not come even remotely close to meeting the legal definition of a hostile work environment. Your personnel department is 100% correct.

What you do is completely ignore him. He is not violating any laws and you are not being damaged in any way.
There is a man at work that is accusing my husband and me of chasing him around town on a motorcycle, wearing clown suits. Assuming you're not doing this, then it appears he's something of a nutcase.

My personnel department says this does not constitute harassment because he is not coming against my gender or race. They are correct.

He makes me feel uncomfortable and I say this constitutes a hostile work environment. This is not remotely a HWE.

What can we do? Ignore him. If he starts making threats, then report those to the police and see if you can get a restraining order.

And in the meantime, leave the clown suits at home. :)
It sounds to me this man is schizophrenic. They often have strnage illusions such as this, and they are paranoid about being followed, like somebody is always after them, etc..
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