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I am looking for a little guidance in an accident that happend on 07/01/04. Me and my 2 kids (5yr / 2yr) went to a local Hardees to eat lunch. It just so happend that they seen a playroom in the Hardees. I told them to go and find a place to sit prior to getting our food. I noticed that there was a sign on the playroom door, Closed for repairs. So I said to the kids, go and find another place to sit. So we ended up sitting in a corner booth, one swivel chair and one booth bench. My kids sat in the booth bench and I sat in the swivel chair. When I went to sit down the swivel chair broke from its post and I went crashing to the floor, jarring my back. I have fallen on my butt before, but I was prepared for it. This was an unexpected fall and I was not ready for it. So, after hitting the ground, the wind was knocked out of me. I sat there for a couple of minuets, I noticed an employee standing there looking at me. After we made eye contact he came over and asked if I was ok. After catching my breath, I told him what had happend and he went to get his manager. The manager asked what had happened and I told him. both of us examined the chair and when I looked at where the bolt holes were, it appeard that the chair had been reparied. There were three holes where the bolts went and a heap of glue where the bolts were attached. The manager asked for my name and address and he gave me the address of the Hardees. After gaining my composer, I painfully hobbled out of the Hardees. Being the holidays, I attempted to contact a chiropractor, but all I got were answering machines. It is 07/06/04 and my back is as bad if not worse. I made contact with the general manager of hardees and ask for their insurance information, to where she roudly stated that she was not going to give such information and explained that if I was to see a doctor, to give her copies of all doctor bills.

Since that accident, I have been tring to locate an Attorney that does not collect any fees until damages are collected. Reason being is I can not afford to pay an attorney out of pocket.

I am asking for guidance/representation in this matter. Please give any information that would help in this matter. THANK YOU!:confused:
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