I would like to raise an issue that is not often talked about. We are so often dwelling on the terrorist attacks. Have we forgotten about the terrorism that happens here at home. Every day in every class of employment there are victims of one form of harassment or another. Harassment in the work place is becoming more prominent every day. It comes in many forms it could be by another employee, management, of customers. There are not enough laws governing these issues. To protect the employee from this type of "Home Front Terrorism". The EEOC has set standard guidelines that are adopted into the court system but there are very few actual laws.
If you were to take a poll, I'm sure you would find that more people than ever are trying to function in their daily lives dealing with this issue. We spend so much time dealing with the outside terrorism, our government has forgotten to take care of its own. I think its time to raise the issues, beyond saying that "He or She has gone Postal". There are legitimate reasons out there for someone to do just that. I know because I myself am a victim of such attacks. The very large corporation that I worked for have blamed myself during my four months of such acts and are now trying to move beyond and ignore it. Their solution was to terminate me. Now that I have raised the issue they do not want to answer my questions, or say that it took to long for them to take action or that the action they took against me was wrong. They say they are not to blame. In the mean time I'm jobless, going to be homeless. How do I explain that to my son? Further more what is it going to be like for him in the future when he goes to work? We need to let our employers know that this will not be tolerated any longer and raise the issues to our local and federal governments.

If you were to take a poll, I'm sure you would find that more people than ever are trying to function in their daily lives dealing with this issue. We spend so much time dealing with the outside terrorism, our government has forgotten to take care of its own. I think its time to raise the issues, beyond saying that "He or She has gone Postal". There are legitimate reasons out there for someone to do just that. I know because I myself am a victim of such attacks. The very large corporation that I worked for have blamed myself during my four months of such acts and are now trying to move beyond and ignore it. Their solution was to terminate me. Now that I have raised the issue they do not want to answer my questions, or say that it took to long for them to take action or that the action they took against me was wrong. They say they are not to blame. In the mean time I'm jobless, going to be homeless. How do I explain that to my son? Further more what is it going to be like for him in the future when he goes to work? We need to let our employers know that this will not be tolerated any longer and raise the issues to our local and federal governments.