Harrasment, Threats Etc.. Etc....

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New Member
For the record the person bothering me lives in PA

I hope this is the correct section for this but I will give the long full version of this story.

I play in a baseball group that meets once a month. One of the people who plays in the group got put on semi probation from the group for several violations. This person then in turn decides to start his own group. At the time not knowing how psycho the guy is I agree that ok I will help if he needs it. The guy needed a website built but could not afford to get it done by a pro so I told him I have SOME knowledge and would do it for free. So he sent me the money I need for the website fees $150.00. Seeing as my main job is not a webmaster I did not know he wanted all the web stuff (Domain, hosting, etc..) put in the name of the club so I purchased it in his name. He took a big time offense to it and one morning I wake up and see a text on my phone that says "you have two hours to give the money back or I am going to meet with a detective". So I get up and instantly refund his money. However then I also tell him I want nothing to do with his club cause he is crazy. He then starts to email and text me non stop telling me basically to some it up I know people and you will play in my club and do everything I say or I will destroy your life. He sends things similar to this over and over and I ignore him by keep saying leave me alone. eventually it gets to the point where he is looking into my life and sending me texts that include information you could only get by being involved in law enforcement or paying some fee online to get it.

At this point I go to the police and say this guy is harrassing me and I want it to stop and show them some of the text. They look at them take some notes and say they will contact him. They do so and for the next 2 or 3 days I do not hear a word from him. Then however on day 4 I find out that he says I have to quit the new club or he will file a lawsuit against me for way more then $150.00 dollars (Which i refunded) and that I will pay since when I was 17 I had a burglary felony on my record (I am 32 now and not a single parking ticket since I was 17 and charged as adult. What can I say dumb as kid who made a mistake). Him knowing that is how I know he got in my records. So just to get the madness to stop I agree to leave the other club and join the new club. However I really do not want to do that as I feel I am being blackmailed am I not? Every time I go to the forums of the old club I get an email from him warning me to play ball or else he will file suit.

I want to get a restraining order against him plus I want to know can I do that without going to court?

And how in the world can he file a theft charge against me for $150 that I REPAID and have proof to show it.

Is this guys threats full of it?

Please advise me what I can do to him without going to court only because court is such a pain in the butt at times. And what could he possibly do to me. Cause I think he is full of it but want an experts opinion.
He asked you to refund his money, and you did that. So, at this point he has no basis to sue you for that.

It sounds like the police are just dragging their feet, and not really doing anything. However, if you still have all of this, contact a lawyer because I would say you already have one hell of a civil suit against him for harassment, blackmail, etc.

But also I would contact the FBI since much of this is happening over the internet. There are federal laws that he has broken.

Now, about the blackmail part. Rhetorical question - is this criminal offense of your younger years something that really and truly would be a problem if the others in the club found out about? As you said, you were a kid, and it was 15 years ago. Since this is really the only thing that he has over you, maybe it might not hurt to beat him to it, and and bring it up yourself on the forums. Don't mention that he was involved. With that he would not have anything to go with.
He asked you to refund his money, and you did that. So, at this point he has no basis to sue you for that.

It sounds like the police are just dragging their feet, and not really doing anything. However, if you still have all of this, contact a lawyer because I would say you already have one hell of a civil suit against him for harassment, blackmail, etc.

But also I would contact the FBI since much of this is happening over the internet. There are federal laws that he has broken.

Now, about the blackmail part. Rhetorical question - is this criminal offense of your younger years something that really and truly would be a problem if the others in the club found out about? As you said, you were a kid, and it was 15 years ago. Since this is really the only thing that he has over you, maybe it might not hurt to beat him to it, and and bring it up yourself on the forums. Don't mention that he was involved. With that he would not have anything to go with.

Actually most of these guys are my friends and do not care about it. What could he possibly sue me for lol. He claims I hurt his club by delaying the start when i did not register things right. A simple accident. But maybe I should do what you said.
Just an update I told the guy I want nothing to do with him anymore and he threatened me with this lol. All I told in original post is true so not sure where the guy gets this from...

No blackmail - it was settlement discussions to avoid filing a lawsuit for $5,000+ in Common Pleas Court (not going to be a DJ filing). My claim is simple - and is not harassment (I've already spent the past 7 days fully discussing your past claims with law enforcement). Go ahead and lie to the police - and we can include making false arrest and false statements to the police. The truth of the matter is that I hired you to do work and you comingled the funds. You are right - it is a Misdemeanor (the criminal part) ---- but what is it considering it's at least a 2nd Strike event with you. You should check that ----- because I did just yesterday. Once you have 1 'theft' strike the next one (a police officer told me yesterday that it could be for a .25 pack of gum) automatically is bumped up to the next level. This is all what you stand to face -- and it is fully 100% my right to make this complaint both civilly and criminally.

As far as your threat with trips to Eatontown --- I have the time and resources....so no problem. You'll be making the same trips here .. do you have the same time and resources? Additionally, my civil claim goes toward the 'fair market' cost and value of the product which is over $5,000 and in regular court. So you better hire one of those lawyers you mentioned - b/c you will be served by the local Sheriff (Constable) shortly. As far as the criminal part - whatever they do after I provide the information for you having comingled funds is up to them. How they investigate you, how hard they push and how far they take it will be their decision not mine.

My part ends in the next few days -- I'm signing an Affidavit of Verification at the attorney's this week to start the civil part and my attorney and I will be going to the District Attorney's office to file our criminal complaint.

Otherwise I'm done - the matter will resolve itself over time. Don't contact me again.
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