harrasment? what do I do?

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New Member
I work at a high tech company. I work with a great group of people except for the new guy. I was friends with him at first. He was having trouble fitting in. He's pretty paranoid about being able to keep his job. I'm not exagerating on paranoid. It would be practically impossible to get fired here. Then he blew up at me one day because he said me and this other guy were talking about him behind his back (we weren't) He said I was a busy body and a control freak (I'm so not). Anyway we didn't talk for a while. He's blown up at several other people since.
I got mad at him one day and blew up at him a bit and told him he was slow and goofed off too much. Now, he makes snide remarks off and on. He makes fart noises when I walk by him (when nobody is within hearing distance) I know that sounds crazy but he is crazy. One day we left work at the same time and he tailgated me on the highway for several miles. I changed lanes a couple of times and he did too. I knew he needed to be in the far left lane so I got over to the far right and he stayed on me. I looked up the characteristics of someone who could go postal and he fits some of them. I just don't know what I can do or how scared I should be. I've told my boss and my boss said the guy is either bipolar or schizophrenic. He's had some problems with him also. Help me please.

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