Harrasment What Should I Do?

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I work for a school district in the special education department. I am a tech and work with 1 teacher and 2 other techs. I have been there for almost 2 years. Last year I was told that I was doing a fantastic job, But this year I cant do anything right. I go in every morning and act all happy and positive but the 1 teacher and 2 techs ignore me and when they do talk to me it is to tell me that I am doing everything wrong and that I should be doing it this way instead of that way. Then about a month ago I had a meeting with the head of the Human Resource Department he told me that I have been reported for manhandling the children which I know that I have never or would never do. I know for a fact that the 1 teacher and the 2 techs that I work with did make the false statement. I have tried to work with them but the longer I am there the worse they treat me. I have tried to transfer but because of the false report they made against me I cant move. My question is Is there anything I can do about this legally?
My question is Is there anything I can do about this legally? Only if the reason you are being treated this way is because of your membership in a protected class: race, gender, religion, national origin, handicap, age if over 40, etc. I assume that's not the case or else you would have mentioned it in your post.

If your co-workers are giving you the cold shoulder or have made a complaint about you for any other reason, that is not illegal. As an aside, you might try talking with the other teacher and in a completely non-confrontational way ask if there's some reason why the two of you can't be on pleasant terms. The bottom line though is that there aren't any laws that require your co-workers to be nice to you.
Harassment what should I do

Shannon, If you had not written this I would have sworn it was my post. I am in the same job and in the special-education department. I have been here for 5 years. I can tell you that just dealing with this is hell. I deal with false rumors. That I was to have said. I am a 56 year old woman and I feel its not only my age but they want another Para to get my hours. I am as confused as to what to do as you are.
I have contacted the ESP president in my district to speak with those involved to see if something can be done. I am not sure that it will work. Possibly you have one in your school. I am in Colorado so I am unsure how other states work. Please know that false rumors are so damaging to us all. We want to help kids and this is what you get for your trouble. I wish I had some great solution to these things.
I am going to try to find another school to go to as well. Possibly if you could apply other places and up front when you apply tell them that this was not true and you would be glad to give referances and people to talk to that would back you up. I wish you the best and feel free to e-mail me I will help any way I can. vsch489250@Aol.com
Hope I can put my e-mail here and am not breaking any rules. Take care! I will work out somehow. Maybe a small school would be more excepting......
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