harrassed, retaliated,discrimination,threates.

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Hello. my name is e.pierce
Im seeking legal help, and I dont know where or who to contact for legal help. I work at a hospital. been there almost 7yrs . I have been harrassed,retaliated and threatened and assaulted by an contracted security supervisor and called the N word several times by him. When I spoke to my supervisors and management, they began to retaliate against me and tried to fire me. I am now on workers comp due to this situation. I have physical and mental disability due to the assult from the security supervisor. psychological disability.

Please if someone is out their who is willing to just here me out and listen to me concerning my case. I need help and this is where ive turned. This may be my only options

Thank you in advance

You cannot find legal representation by posting on a message board. That is not the purpose of the board and my understanding is that it is prohibited by the state Bar association of many states.

However, you can contact the CA DFEH or the Federal EEOC and file a claim for illegal discrimination/harassment.
If you were assaulted, you should probably have reported that to the police. (unless you did)

As cbg noted, you can file a claim/complaint re the harassment/discrimination with the Ca. DFEH or fed. EEOC.

Good luck.
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