So while checking out of a retail store, My 5 month old daughter started throwing a fit, and when reaching for items under her stroller cart, i left one underneath, NOT on purpose. I was overwhelmed and trying to check out as soon as possible while people were staring at me like "whats wrong with your kid" Before walking out the door a security guard grabbed me and led me back to an interrogation room. When asked if I know why I said no and he kept asking why are you lying to me why are you lying to me, if you keep lying I'll call the police, ok the police are on the way. When I kept denying it, showing him the more expensive things I purchased and promising I have no criminal record, he said if I did not admit guilt he would call the police who would the social services involved bc my child was with me. It was a $20 bottle of face cream. When asked if I could call my husband he said no, why do you have to call him? I said bc I feel like I should have some sort of representation here or advice and I wasn't comfortable with how they were treating me. He said that no one was allowed back in the interrogation room. So when I agreed to sign out of fear of social services coming, I asked for a copy of what I signed. He would not give it to me and just kept saying a letter would come in the mail for me to pay a fine. He handed me a notice where I could call the law firm and thats it. It was like I was in a bad cop movie. I came home and needless to say my husband was upset. he called the store asking to speak to the manager so he could find out what their shoplifting policy was, what exactly I signed, and why I was not provided a copy. The manager said I would have to speak to the manager of the LP department who was not there at the time and to call back tomorrow. Should I hire a lawyer? Do I have to pay this fine? Will it go on my record? Pleas help!