Harrassing neighbor with RO, still harrassing

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Several months ago I got a restraining order against my cross the street neighbor who had surveillance cameras on my house, and who had motion detector lights set to go off when I opened my front door. Long story short, judge said it was harrassment (even though he claimed the cameras were to capture the owner of my home, and not against me).

So, I have restraining order against him, yet whenever I'm in front yard with the owner of the house doing yard work or whatever, he calls cops or code enforcement. So far, his claims to them have been bogus (owner looked at him 'funny' and grunted when he pushed a lawn mower, or he claims we're running a business out of our house). It's obvious this neighbor has taken the passive/aggressive approach of having the code enforcement or cops do his harrassing now. Is this considered defying the restraining order? What can I do? Can I take him to small claims court and sue him for nuisance or preventing peaceful enjoyment of home?

Lately, when he leaves his house he flips me off, but covers by acting like he's scratching his nose. He hasn't crossed the boundary yet, but he's pushing up against that restraining order, and I don't know at exactly what point I should pull out the big guns, so to speak. I figure a small claims case will get his attention and that if he figures it will cost him money, he'll leave me and my guests alone.

And no, moving is not an option at this point. Thank you for any help you can provide.
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