Harrassment from the Tenants.

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New Member

I currently live in a low-income apartments located in Monte Vista CO. I have lived there since I moved it July the 1st of 2009. I am on SSI and this is my first place since being on SSI. On July the 1st while moving in the woman upstairs came down and asked me what was I doing there. I answered that I'm moving in. She replied that I need to get some Damn clothes on and a job and she went back upstairs. Since July the 1st I have been targeted by numerous woment that live in the apartment complex to be harrassed and tormented. Today, Feb, 7th 2010, I was going out to my car, (a 2000 Impala) and the woman upstairs came down and asked me "Is it 80 degrees out" I said no and she said, what is wrong with me wearing light clothing. (It wasn't really cold out) I said nothing and she replied "go back in and get vsome damn clothes on right now!" I drove off and did not comply. I have endured this sensless harrassment for 7 months now and everytime I have to go back home I get nervous and jittery of having to face more torment. I would most greatly appreciate any advice of what to do. I am at wits end right now.

Unless they are physically harassing you there is little you can do about it. Welcome to the projects I guess. Hope things get better for you.
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