Harrassment in the workplace

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The most recent incident happened March 2, 2011 but there have been many more.

Someone went into my breast milk bag and threw out 2 bags (I saw them in the trash) The two bags were in a little black cooler in the refrigerator.

I WENT to HR...they said..."we don't know who did it, we can't prove it, so basically we can't do anything" and "we don't even have to supply refrig" so because HR would do nothing and facilities would do nothing. My manager didn't even know what to say, so I posted a note on the frig.

Please be respectful and considerate of other people's property in the refrigerator.

Yesterday afternoon 2 bags of my breast milk were thrown into the trashcan. Considerin...g these milk bags were inside another bag an accidental discard is highly unlikely. Please remember that the milk in these bags is for my son. They are his only source of nutrition at this time. By discarding these bags you have robbed my son of his food. Although highly unlikely, if this discard was accidental I would really appreciate it if the individual(s) would discuss how this happened. However, if this action was done with malicious intent, SHAME ON YOU! You actions have robbed a beautiful child of his mother's milk!

I got a call from HR stating that rumors are going around stating who I think put it in the trash and that I am slandering someone's name and can be terminated. I told my mgr who I think did it.

In the past, I've had people rip up other people's plants and put them in the garbage, I've been blamed for cussing out someone on a voicemail that was "magically erased" I've been blamed for handwriting a letter to that specific person, and her boss telling my boss I needed to be fired when the handwriting was clearly not mine, but I was the only one called in the HR to "discuss" it. I have been written up for people printing out my facebook, when there was nothing wrong, for having a personal conversation (while pregnant) and someone saying I said cervix. The list goes on and on.

I have excellent medical coverage and ok pay. I have been looking for another job for 2 years but I just can't find anything that is mediocre to this and that woman is not going to win by having me leave and go to a crappy job.
I suggest that you be very careful. You are helping other people paint a target on your back.

You pose legitimate concerns, but there is little you can do, but be careful.

You might want to consider not putting that product in the refrigerator. It would be a shame if someone contaminated it and made your child ill.
I am putting it in a cooler at my desk but then again, its just for this incident. In a few months, what will it be??? I'm really scared to work here not knowing what is going to happen the next time. I could care less about the plants or the letter, but you you mess with my kids food, that is it. I've sought mental health because of this place. Its not good at all.
I agree, it sounds like you work with a bunch of kids. That said the others advice is right on, keep the milk in sight if you at all times. You should not have to but...... Also if the job is really starting to effect you emotionaly then maybe for yours and the babys sake its time to move on. Good luck and the only other thing you can really do is keep reporting such things to your manager and follow all rules at work so they do not have a reason to termanate you. Good luck.
Sad thing is, is that I'm the youngest person there (28) by YEARS. I know I need to move on but I'm fully vested may 6, and I really don't want to lose my retirement because of this, and my husband is collecting unemployment and I don't want to leave to go to a job for less pay and be away from my son longer hours. So basically my only option is to move on, I was really hoping to have legal action and once again she gets another person to leave, this is really sad how one person can have so much power. Btw, everything else at my job is wonderful.
Sad thing is, is that I'm the youngest person there (28) by YEARS. I know I need to move on but I'm fully vested may 6, and I really don't want to lose my retirement because of this, and my husband is collecting unemployment and I don't want to leave to go to a job for less pay and be away from my son longer hours. So basically my only option is to move on, I was really hoping to have legal action and once again she gets another person to leave, this is really sad how one person can have so much power. Btw, everything else at my job is wonderful.

You don't need legal action.
You don't need to quit.
Just keep to yourself and keep doing a great job.
If you enjoy your work, just ignore the clowns and idiots that spoil it.
Keep your home life and personal business to yourself, and just stick to the work.
You start doing that, these abusers will leave you alone.
Just smile at them and keep moving.
Don't speak to them about anything but business.
Don't express anymore breast milk at work.
If you have to do that, leave the premises and store it in your LOCKED car in a cooler.
This economy sucks for so many people.
Don't let a few idiots drive you away and make your life harder.
Just suck it up and tough it out, after all you're doing this for your baby, your husband, and yourself.
Good luck, you'll be just fine.
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