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I work as a Web Designer for a local company.

This all started back in Sept 09. I shared an office with a woman and I got off the phone with my school and cussed. She was offended by my words and told HR. We had a fight, and HR settled it and said from this point over the issue is considered resolved--let it go.

I have let go and moved on but the lady whom which this happened with did not. Below are some facts/situations that have arose since then.

I've been employed for 3 years, never had a disciplinary issue prior to last September, since then I've been talked to numerous times about "behaviors" and false accusations:

I was transferred out of that office to a new building because Jane Doe could not stand to see me everyday.

She has interferred in projects I've been working on, formatted servers with all my hard work on it, shut down servers so I could not access them, worked on servers at the same time as me without calling to tell me and I lost work and time.

Never once has she apologized or thought twice about it.

She has gone and slandered my name—

to my boss about me getting outside help on the website,
talking to the Superintendent and his wife about me being unprofessional and unethical

telling her friend her goal for this year is to get me fired,

and now more recently to a secretary because telling her she got me in trouble and that I was bad for showing administration a website and that I'm unprofessional.

And these are only the instances that I've heard about, there are more I'm sure if I dig around.

Today at work the Deputy Superintendent approached me on some allegations that are completely unfounded and untrue. He refused to tell me who said these things, but just yesterday Jane Doe and I had a bad day as she corrupted the server I was working on again, and the very next day, I'm accused of all these things.

I've been seen me in my office sleeping and with my head down on my desk--which never happened.

I leave the building frequently and come back as a new person, he went on to say that I was accused of doing drugs when I left the building.

I leave the building for lunch or to go to a meeting at another location, and I've never done any drugs in my entire life.

He suggested that I do not take lunch off-site anymore, but since it's a school campus, I cannot smoke cigarettes on campus, per the laws.

My swearing has been out of control--which sometimes it is, but I have my own office and nobody is in my office with me, and I'm rarely on the phone, so do I swear outloud to myself?

I've said things in e-mails sent to my dad that I only said to him, and she repeated them to my boss--which is proof she was in my e-mail.

My boss told me today he doesn't trust her, and thinks that shes in e-mails as well.

He said that shes been there 15 years and has a lot of friends and that its just the way it is. Basically said life is unfair that way.

I have lost a lot of sleep since September up all night worrying about what she is going to do next as I'm sure it will end with my termination.

I'm constantly getting migraines and panic attacks. My blood pressure has been ridiculously higher than normal -- even as a smoker. My stomach is always in shambles and knots, and I dread waking up and going to work in the morning.

I've repeatedly told my boss about all this and his attitude seems like just get over it and that I have to protect myself.

What options do I have before I get fired?
All you can do is avoid her or seek new employment.

Maybe you'll get lucky and she will muck up down the road.

She can complain all she wants.

They might stop listening.

I doubt it.

You should stop swearing.

I'd offer to take a drug test to show them I'm not doing drugs.

You've got more to gain by taking the test and proving her wrong.

When the test comes back negative, you can say that all she does is gossip about you and does very little work.

Then bring in the other people who say she's going to get you fired.

You must stop smoking on school grounds.

Other than that, stay out of her way or get promoted and become her boss.
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