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New Member
I am currently renting in an apt building,I have been in conversation with the management company 1 year ago explaining that i can pay the rent on the last wk of the month,that was fine but now they are harrassing me saying they r going to put me in legal, i am current and when i pay i also pay the late fee but they still harrass me,what can i do?
Your rent is due on a certain date or late fees apply. Just because you pay these late fees does not make this not a breach of your rental agreement. It also gives landlord grounds for eviction. When you pay late you force landlord to pay his bills late as well or put landlord in a position to allow others to pay late and again impact his bills. When you agreed to rent you agreed to pay rent on its due date anything else is a breach. Perhaps a new rental agreement could be drawn up that has your due date for rent at a better calander date for you. You might have to put up some money to do this but it could work out for both sides if you can agree.
When a tenant and management make a change to the lease (in this case changing the date rent is to be paid) it is always a good idea to get these changes in writing should questions come up later.

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