Have a Hateful landlord,

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New Member
I have a landlord that tries to evict you if you complain. I have complained about things that are important. Leaking ceilings,sewer in garages,having stroage units robbed.

When you complain you are told you are the only when to complain and then the next day you get a eviction letter. I am not the only one to complain, i have letters from other residents we have shared our corresponsdence. I stay cause she wont let me out without heavy fines

I havent complained in a while, however a letter was passed out to residents wasnt signed and my landlord thinks it was me, and a letter was given to the office, along with a vulgar voice mail. She thinks its was me and gave me a 3 day to leave notice or comply. I did nothing as stated on the letter.

I have taken pics of all the lease violations in my complex from the major to the petty ones.

If your current on rent and have not violated and rules the Landlord has no grounds to evict. However if the landlord wants you out that bad ask him to release you (in writing) from your lease
I am current on everything. SHe is saying that I violated my lease of peace and distrubance by sending out the letter and leaving the voicemail and sending letter to the office. I didnt do those things, I got the letter passed out. I agree with those things in the letter. I have asked to leave but wont let me out with out a HUGE fine
He will need to "prove" you did those things! Its not likely he can. He is trying to force you out under his terms. Tell him you will agree to leave but with no penalties
It's important to keep in mind that a landlord cannot evict anyone.

Only a court can do that.

If the landlord wishes to evict someone, they would need to file for such through the local court system. You would receive notice of such a filing and a date for a hearing regarding this matter. You would need to make certain you attend this hearing and present your side of the case; in this instance that you have not breached your lease by not paying your rent on time, etc..

Even if you did do those things it is not grounds for eviction.

Your landlord seems to be full of silly empty threats.
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