I hired an attorney in 2006 to sue a contractor who refused to return (or negotiate a partial return) a $5,000. deposit + approx $700. in materials when it became apparent that his work was sub-par, and was fired. The attorney sent a demand letter, was given all of my documentation, and after MONTHS of trying to reach the attorney for news on my case, I learned the attorney was disbarred. Can I still sue the contractor (initial demand letter was sent at least 2 years ago...the contractor has been very clever in moving around and being hard to find!), since so much time has passed? The attorney's letter was never served - I am guessing I need to issue a new demand letter?
I am still within the statute of limitations, as the "work" was done in spring '06.
I am still within the statute of limitations, as the "work" was done in spring '06.