Have Cats..Can new managment evict

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I have been living in my apartment complex for 8 years now and have had cats (2) since I've been here...I have acquired several cats since. The management company that managed my apartment complex when I first moved here knew of my cats and so did the manger(s)(we have had several managers since I first moved in) of the apartments and they did not have a problem with it...Now, we have a new management company as of July, 2002...they are doing inspections of all the aparments this month and I'm a little worried that they are going to tell me that my cats are not allowed or state to me that I can only have 2 cats and that the other 3 have to go or they will give me a 30 day notice to vacate.

I've been told by many people that since my cats and I were here prior to the new management company taking over that the new management company can't do anything about it except state to me that I can't replace them when they die.

Do I have anything to worry about? Should I be looking for another place to live? Or should I be seeking legal advise in case they decide to take legal action?

Please help...These cats have been with me since they were 8 weeks old...I've raised them...They're like my children.

Have Cats, Can New Management Evict

As to the reply of Michael, yes our lease for existing tenants do allow pets...new tenants coming in to the apartment can not have pets...

My lease at the time I moved in was set at 2...I paid a $550.00 deposit..since that time I acquired 3 additional cats.
If the lease says 2 cats, then you may have a problem should the landlord choose to enforce it. If the landlord knew about that you were buying additional cats and did not object, you may have a defense if it is brought up, although it might be a weak one.

The bottom line is that your lease is the deal that you make with the landlord. The terms are set.
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