Have I entered into a contract??

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New Member
After the renter signed the lease & before we had all the problems & discussion (disagreement) about whether lawn service was included in the rental she asked if she could store a few things in the garage before the rental period. Up to that point she was professional.

Now... the situation we are purchasing the house closing of the 4th, the renter moves in on the 5th and has a lease, she wants to move her things into the garage on the July 27th. I said I'd check with the seller he didn't care one way or another. I told her that should be fine (mistake - never let people early (now learned) NO matter how good of renter you think they'll be!)

Problem: With her threats of contacting the BBB & Landlord tenant assoc. about our transaction I'm worried I put the seller into a potential problem. What happens if a mouse get in and chews the furniture or bird droppings. Or if there is a scratch she claims wasn't there. I really worry she will go after the seller (friend) or us. Was I making a contract with the renter, or did I not because I don't own the property as far as storing the items.

Thank you
Encourage her to purchase renters insurance (something ALL renters should have; it is incredibly cheap insurance). Then; if her personal items get damaged, she can file a claim.

If a mouse gets in and chews her furniture, neither you nor the seller are to blame. Now, if you guys go in and personally chew on her furniture (and she can prove you're the chewer) that might be another story!

Some tenants toss out all sorts of threats. Frankly, who cares if she contacts the BBB; as previously mentioned they really have no power to do anything.

After e-mailing the renter again that the rent didn't include the lawn service (see other thread) and there would be no change in that situation. I heard nothing for almost a day. Then Saturday she calls to say they wanted their deposit back ("oh, I thought we didn't have a lease now") and to get out of the lease. After wasting almost a week of my time on this, I gave back her deposit in full.

I may have been able to keep part of the money. But, I wanted no further dealings with her. I'm not sure if she found another rental she liked better (in that case I wished she'd taken the offer to tear up the lease on Wed when she was so upset that lawn service wasn't included.) This has been a real learning experience.

Thanks for the help.
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