Having a dink on a lunch hour.

It was just one drink for the most part and secondly it wasnt a company card. it was a personal card and the fact the he act like he was city offical makes it even more wrong he is just a civilian come into a eastablishment that nothing to do with his job. He just a manager not a cop. Those receipt is not for public personal use. To be used for his benefit. As a civilian cant walk into your place of buisness and require a reciept for something someone else purchase. I understand that she still could be terminated, i'm just trying to find out her rights as far as him retrieving the reciepts to prove his case. She is my best friend.
She wasnt fired she was suspended.

If I were her lawyer, there are many ways I could defend her position.
That said, she can be fired for any reason not disallowed by civil service guidelines.
Buying an alcoholic drink, for example, doesn't mean YOU consumed the drink.
Having that alcoholic drink on your dining table doesn't mean you sipped from the vessel containing the adult beverage.

This is why all people under suspicion or investigation are foolish to ever attempt to explain anything without first retaining the services of a licensed attorney.
She isnt looking for nothing illegal, she just wanted to know her rights about this. I'm just curious because i really never heard of this before. i heard of people being fired for coming into work drunk or on the premises but never this.
She isnt looking for nothing illegal, she just wanted to know her rights about this. I'm just curious because i really never heard of this before. i heard of people being fired for coming into work drunk or on the premises but never this.

As you said, she isn't fired, only suspended.

If things are the way you describe, I suspect she might not be terminated for this incident.

That doesn't mean that she won't be terminated for some other offense, or just because.
She has no rights in the whole situation. You can keep banging your head against the wall, but in the end she can be terminated regardless of any of these other red herrings you want to throw into the mix.

A civilian can walk in and ask, not require and if the Applebees' employee gave it out then it is up to Applebee's management to deal with any break in THEIR policy, if it is one. But it's not illegal. There is no expectation of privacy here that I know of.

She has no rights but to complain to Applebee's corporate about the receipt being given out to someone who is not her, but I almost doubt they will care, especially if the manager lies that it never happened. But again they would owe her nothing (even if she could prove he got a copy).

If it is against your/her employer's policy to drink at lunch, then it is (period) and she can be terminated for it regardless of how the employer got the information (plus you admitted that he saw it anyway)
Whether he is or is not entitled to a copy of the receipt does not in any way change the fact that your friend can quite legally be fired for having a drink during the work day, even if she was on lunch.

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