H Visa hb4travel

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New Member
My fiancee and i have appled for a Fiancee visa he has done an I-134 Affidavit of support,i have given him my intent letter to marry him we have proof of having met and been together .We both have 4 full front on head pics in glossy colour with white background and no smile.Copies of my divorce and completed the OBN 1615-0008 the original and 3 copies.
Is there anything else we need to do,have we completed all the necessary papers .Also if the visa hasn't come back to us Before our june 25th wedding in the states will i still be covered if i get a I-94 form at the border that documents when I arrived so I can fill out a adjustment of status form after we are married???

Than you
You will surely understand that I cannot ascertain over the internet if you have collected and submitted all requested paperwork for a visa application.

If you accurately followed the guidelines available on the USCIS website and their forms you should be fine. If there is anything missing the USCIS will request it, but of course it will delay the process.

You need the visa to enter the country, you cannot enter without it (unless you have some other valid visa)
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