Can't I just formally let my ex spouse know that I'm moving w/ our 8yr old daughter since he violated our divorce decree by moving 130 miles away? We had joint phys custody but he offered me phys custody since he moved, but he doesn't want me to move - threatening that he would take me to court for full phys custody if I want to move. The decree states that "if either party moves 100 miles from Black Hawk County, that is an independent ground for an application to modify the Decree. There are some states that allow the parent to formally notify the the courts & other party about relocating, but I can't find where IA would allow the relocating parent to formally notify the court and the other party about a move. IA Code 598.21D states: "RELOCATION OF PARENT AS GROUNDS TO MODIFY...If a parent awarded joint legal custody and phys. care or sole legal custody is relocating the residence of the minor child to a location which is one hundred fifty miles or more from the residence...the court may consider the relocation a substantial change in circumstances.." So I typed up a notification letter, but I'm not sure exactly who I'm supposed to send it to.