Health incident, insurance dropped, away from work

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I am a middle-aged male with previously good health who has excellent references from every boss I have ever had and am on an "at will" contract.

In August, 2006, while interviewing for my present job at a state academic institution, I told them that I would need to use my leave early in order to go to another country for adoption. I was informed that one of the benefits of my place of work was that I was allowed to use my leave as soon as I started. In fact, it was part of my reason for picking the place.

I was working in a very stressful situation (the previous person in my position lasted a total of about two months under the current boss before quitting because of stress. I've been at the position for about six months). I did not realize that it would be so when starting. Because of red tape with the adoption, I had to go overseas several times.

While out of the country at Christmas for adoption procedings, my boss e-mailed me that if I left my position before the end of the fiscal year, I'd have to pay back any leave time I'd used. That surprised me as well as the fact that I never told her that I was leaving, so I didn't know where it came from. (I found out later that she was telling people at the school that I was quitting.) My boss also told me that I had enough leave to complete that trip. However, on return, I was told that was wrong, and part of my pay was docked.

I had several short encounters with my boss over issues related to the working conditions and a long, and most significant, being a little over two weeks ago. Her boss was getting involved and going to have meetings with us about this. I was working long, stressful hours, often without a chance to break for lunch, and lost more than 20 pounds in the past few months.

A little more than a week ago, I had a health incident with a feeling of cold water running down my left arm (I'd been experiencing that sometimes for the previous week), chest pain, some lightheadedness, and a feeling that something was simply wrong.

I was taken by ambulance from my place of work to the hospital with a blood pressure of 165 over a number I don't remember. Normally, I have good, low BP. The ER found nothing but told me that they were not set up to do more than the basics, and I should see a physician immediately. The next day, my sister came from NY to help take care of me, and I saw a doctor who ordered heart and blood tests. Immediately afterward, my work informed my sister that I have used up my leave, am on unpaid Leave of Absence, and dropped my insurance coverage.

After tests, the doctor told me that indications are it is not something to do with the heart. He recommended that I see a neurologist next and said he would fax a memo to my work saying that he did not know what it is and it might take one to six months to resolve. My sister needed to go back to her family in upstate New York but did not want to leave me alone, so I have gone to New York to her family's house temporarily.

I seem to be improving each day, but a stressful situation usually brings on the water feeling, chest pains, and other uncomfortable symptoms. We are still awaiting some test results from Maryland, and I am looking for a specialist in upstate New York without insurance. Not being a physician, I do not know but, now that some of the tests have come back negative, I am thinking that it was a major stress reaction to my workplace. I've worked in a lot of stressful situations, but just the thought of going back to this workplace brings on serious stress. In the past, I have handled stress and been entrusted by a government agency as a contractor to handle many different assignments overseas as well as having earned the trust of other employers.

I've contacted a lawyer but am interested in other opinions while he is considering the issues. I have to say that I am not in a condition to take the stress of courtroom sessions or being in negotiations.

What are my options?
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