Roomate Held usps mail


New Member
Good am.

I have been missing important mail for over a week or two now. I signed up for the daily informed delivery where I receive an image of mail coming in for the day and to my surprise i am not getting any or getting them in pieces where it's not complete. I found out by signing in online that my room mate held the mail. There are 7 individuals that are renting in the same home and they too are furious. Is there any legal actions I can do? Is this illegal for him to do? Please help.
Did the roommate eventually give you the mail?

Your best option here is likely to have each roommate obtain a private box at the post office or other postal service store.
No. I have texted him and left voicemails. He is dodging our calls and messages. Last thing I want to do is have landlord into this mess.
No. I have texted him and left voicemails. He is dodging our calls and messages. Last thing I want to do is have landlord into this mess.

You can visit the local post office and ask to speak with the postal inspector.

You can also call the postal inspectors at:

This is their website:

Report Mail Fraud & Postal Fraud | USPIS
So...basically...once your mail is delivered by the mail carrier, one of your umpteen roommates is "holding" the mail and not giving it to you. Is that what you're saying?

That's a personal relationship issue that you need to resolve with your roommate. Since the mail is properly delivered, it doesn't appear to be a postal issue. The suggestion that you obtain a private mailbox is a good one.
There are laws regarding interception of USPS mail delivered to another person or party. But I doubt that these reflect a practical remedy in a personal situation such as this one nor does it seem appropriate at this juncture. What is protocol between yourselves - or do you have one? For example, the mail arrives. Does someone take it into the home? Do you have your own mailboxes? Is there a "mail box" where all the mail is held for all persons to retrieve their mail? None of this seems clear and is a matter for all of you to handle.
No. I have texted him and left voicemails. He is dodging our calls and messages. Last thing I want to do is have landlord into this mess.

No one has suggested that you involve the landlord.

Post #2 addressed effectively what you should do to address the problem.

Stop texting and leaving voicemails. Send a demand letter, certified mail, requesting that the intercepted mail.

Depending on the nature of the mail intercepted by your roommate, you may or may not have legal recourse.

For example, if the roommate has taken items that have monetary value (checks, packages), you could sue in small claims for the value of those items.

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