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This forum involves the situation of your bank wanting to issue a stop payment order on a forged check and charge you $30 for the service. You discover that a single check is missing from your checkbook, and fear that someone may have that check and use it. You never made the check out to anyone and never signed it. You call your bank as soon as you discover the missing check to report the lost check, and they advise that you order a stop payment on that check, which will cost a debit to your account of $30 for that service. Should you place the stop payment order?
This forum involves the situation of your bank wanting to issue a stop payment order on a forged check and charge you $30 for the service. You discover that a single check is missing from your checkbook, and fear that someone may have that check and use it. You never made the check out to anyone and never signed it. You call your bank as soon as you discover the missing check to report the lost check, and they advise that you order a stop payment on that check, which will cost a debit to your account of $30 for that service. Should you place the stop payment order?

If you're worried about the check being used by some thief.

However, if fraud is involved, and you discover the fraud (in a timely manner); you can report it.

By reporting the fraud, the check amount that is used fraudulently will be replaced in your account, after the bank has investigated the matter.

So, you can spend the $30, as a kind of insurance, and get some additional peace of mind.

Or, you can wait (nothing may happen), and report it (with the same result); if something does happen.

The former choice costs $30, the latter choice is free.
do you really think someone may have your missing check, or is it more likely that you voided it or used it in some manner. who has physical access to your checkbook?
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