help! a fall on my property. is this a valid suit?

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i live in a subdivision in orlando florida. the lady that drives the cart around putting notes on peoples doors to trim their lawns etc. who happens to be in her mid 80's.came to my house on 10/17/08 and my dog supposedly jumped up and knocked her down. her hitting her head and requiring 5 stitches. there were no witnesses and as she was on duty in the complex all her medical bills were paid via workmans comp. and she missed only one day of work! and yesterday i get a letter from an attorney that is now representing her for what just says damages!? what are my rights? i contacted my ins. co. and filed a claim. yet i know my dog has never jumped on anyone. he is playful and likes to sniff but as a sharpei breed they are not known for that behavior. nor is he at all aggressive with anyone! since there was no police report filed, no witnesses to what actually happened. shall i be overly concerned? does this seem like a valid case that is winnable in court if it comes to that ?

thank you, Larry
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