help being traumatized by landlord and neighbor

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I rented an apt. in a 4 unit property through section 8 by myself. upon arriving here from maine 7 months ago, i was told, once i was already under contract, that i was not allowed to have any company at all. by the landlord, not section 8. the landlord stated to me that my neighbor right up against my apartment was a very quiet old man. It has been a nightmare since. The first time speaking to this man, he gave me hell because a young white woman always gets section 8 but an old black man like him cant get any section 8. he stated to me just to stay away from him and mind my business. I told landlord right away. landlord informed me that he is best friends with this man and he has lived here 5 years. landlord said to just stay away from him and don't do anything to disrespect him or bother him. the hard part first is i have to walk 5 feet from my door and pass his open door to go down the stairs. he has his door open 24 hours a day. when ever i go in or out he watches me and stares at me with hate. it is very intimidating. then i had a friend stop in which i met within a few weeks of being here and he called the landlord right away. while my friend was still here i received a text from the landlord telling me, 'no company' it is bothering my neighbor. a week later i came in after fireworks around 11pm and i got another txt from landlord that i woke up my neighbor and i should be more respectful. he asked me to please be in by 10pm as not to bother him again. then i tried a couple of weeks later to sit in chair in the backyard and have a couple glasses wine with next door neighbor at 5pm while we waited for his grill to heat up. he called landlord again and this time he showed up and landlord tells me in front of company that it is not allowed here to sit in yard and bother the tenants and not do it again. then 4 weeks later i was home doing regular cleaning around noon and the police show up and he is there with them and they come to my door and he says i am smoking pot and he can smell it. tells police i flushed it down the toilet and i smoke all the time. i was furious. i do not do drugs at all. never had pot in my house in my life. i let the officer right in to see and let him go all through my house to check. upon finding nothing i asked him if i can charge him with filing a false report and the cop said no and left. the rest of the day the neighbor kept coming to my door and tells me i am stalking him and if i don't stop he will call police again. how can i stalk someone who never leaves their apt? the landlord was told all of this immediately. his answer to me was when my lease is up guess you will be moving. leave the neighbor alone and i don't want any more complaints from him about you. i have 2 months left on my lease here. i love the area the building and my apt. i am being forced to live like i am in a nursing home as well as having a landlord who sides with the tyrant neighbor. i have felt like i am in jail this whole time. i am being controlled fully by neighbor and landlord. i cannot understand how a person can be so hateful. for no reason other than jealousy and ego. he has constantly watched me and listens on my walls that connect to his. he has tried from day one to get me out of here. what can i do? it seems like i was lied to and put here under false statements from the landlord in the first place. i had no idea until lease was signed and i moved in that all of my neighbors rules were same as landlord and they forced me to live under their rules not section 8. but the way an old man would live grumpy and hateful daily. i am 47 yr old female and he is 60. he is a recluse shut in who never leaves and never has any company at all except the landlord. can any one give me some advice? with 2 months left on my lease i am so afraid he is going to call police on me again with false accusations and tell landlord i am harassing him and try to get me evicted. now it makes me sick to my stomach i am being forced to find another rent. he also has called police several times on neighbors downstairs and lies to the landlord daily that we are all ganging up on him and harassing him. we are visited by landlord 4 to 5 times a week to make sure we are following his rules to a t. the neighbor next to me gives him a daily update as well they are best friends. i have never been under this kind of stress and daily regimentation in my life. now i am being forced to move because i cannot live like this here anymore. i feel traumatized by the whole thing and sick to my stomach daily. i am very lonely for no company not even family allowed. is there anything i can do? i have barely enough money to pay all of the expenses to live here so paying court cost is not an option. is this legal what they are doing to me? do i have any recourse to the situation? how much stress and depression and sadness they have put me through. i just lost a year of my life. please help? any advice you could give me would be so appreciated. i have never done anything to either of them and have never even given my neighbor a dirty look. he hated me from day one. thank you for your time i so appreciate it. i am frustrated and feel so wronged.

I rented an apt. in a 4 unit property through section 8 by myself. upon arriving here from maine 7 months ago, i was told, once i was already under contract, that i was not allowed to have any company at all. by the landlord, not section 8. the landlord stated to me that my neighbor right up against my apartment was a very quiet old man. It has been a nightmare since. The first time speaking to this man, he gave me hell because a young white woman always gets section 8 but an old black man like him cant get any section 8. he stated to me just to stay away from him and mind my business. I told landlord right away. landlord informed me that he is best friends with this man and he has lived here 5 years. landlord said to just stay away from him and don't do anything to disrespect him or bother him. the hard part first is i have to walk 5 feet from my door and pass his open door to go down the stairs. he has his door open 24 hours a day. when ever i go in or out he watches me and stares at me with hate. it is very intimidating. then i had a friend stop in which i met within a few weeks of being here and he called the landlord right away. while my friend was still here i received a text from the landlord telling me, 'no company' it is bothering my neighbor. a week later i came in after fireworks around 11pm and i got another txt from landlord that i woke up my neighbor and i should be more respectful. he asked me to please be in by 10pm as not to bother him again. then i tried a couple of weeks later to sit in chair in the backyard and have a couple glasses wine with next door neighbor at 5pm while we waited for his grill to heat up. he called landlord again and this time he showed up and landlord tells me in front of company that it is not allowed here to sit in yard and bother the tenants and not do it again. then 4 weeks later i was home doing regular cleaning around noon and the police show up and he is there with them and they come to my door and he says i am smoking pot and he can smell it. tells police i flushed it down the toilet and i smoke all the time. i was furious. i do not do drugs at all. never had pot in my house in my life. i let the officer right in to see and let him go all through my house to check. upon finding nothing i asked him if i can charge him with filing a false report and the cop said no and left. the rest of the day the neighbor kept coming to my door and tells me i am stalking him and if i don't stop he will call police again. how can i stalk someone who never leaves their apt? the landlord was told all of this immediately. his answer to me was when my lease is up guess you will be moving. leave the neighbor alone and i don't want any more complaints from him about you. i have 2 months left on my lease here. i love the area the building and my apt. i am being forced to live like i am in a nursing home as well as having a landlord who sides with the tyrant neighbor. i have felt like i am in jail this whole time. i am being controlled fully by neighbor and landlord. i cannot understand how a person can be so hateful. for no reason other than jealousy and ego. he has constantly watched me and listens on my walls that connect to his. he has tried from day one to get me out of here. what can i do? it seems like i was lied to and put here under false statements from the landlord in the first place. i had no idea until lease was signed and i moved in that all of my neighbors rules were same as landlord and they forced me to live under their rules not section 8. but the way an old man would live grumpy and hateful daily. i am 47 yr old female and he is 60. he is a recluse shut in who never leaves and never has any company at all except the landlord. can any one give me some advice? with 2 months left on my lease i am so afraid he is going to call police on me again with false accusations and tell landlord i am harassing him and try to get me evicted. now it makes me sick to my stomach i am being forced to find another rent. he also has called police several times on neighbors downstairs and lies to the landlord daily that we are all ganging up on him and harassing him. we are visited by landlord 4 to 5 times a week to make sure we are following his rules to a t. the neighbor next to me gives him a daily update as well they are best friends. i have never been under this kind of stress and daily regimentation in my life. now i am being forced to move because i cannot live like this here anymore. i feel traumatized by the whole thing and sick to my stomach daily. i am very lonely for no company not even family allowed. is there anything i can do? i have barely enough money to pay all of the expenses to live here so paying court cost is not an option. is this legal what they are doing to me? do i have any recourse to the situation? how much stress and depression and sadness they have put me through. i just lost a year of my life. please help? any advice you could give me would be so appreciated. i have never done anything to either of them and have never even given my neighbor a dirty look. he hated me from day one. thank you for your time i so appreciate it. i am frustrated and feel so wronged.

I thought they added the state i selected in the thread? anyway its florida. thank you.

I'm frustrated, too, because, in all that long winded story you never thought to tell us what state this is happening in.

I thought they added the state i selected in the thread? anyway its florida. thank you.
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I hate to say it but your best bet might be to try & ignore him & move if possible when your lease is up. Others may have other suggestions.
Not much you can do, except ignore things you dislike.
There's nothing the law can do for you, and even if it could, the remedy would be months, maybe years away.

You are free to discuss your concerns with the LL in an effort to BUY your way out of the lease.

Never sign a lease, or any legal document without reading and understanding everything first.

Once you sign, you're normally stuck.
I thought they added the state i selected in the thread? anyway its florida. thank you.

There is a forum problem with the state showing up in the thread after you choose it from the drop down menu. It wasn't your fault.

However, I believe the answers will be the same - try to ignore the person & get out of the lease when you can. Good luck.
I thought they added the state i selected in the thread? anyway its florida. thank you.

I'm pretty sure that a lot of what the landlord is doing violates the Florida landlord tenant statute and you might have some legal recourse to get him to stop.

Study the statutes and see if there is anything helpful in them:

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

If there is, I suggest you start laying a paper trail by giving him written notice of any objectionable behavior that violates the statute, each time and every time, and quote the statute part that applies.

Or, as others have suggested, you can ignore all of it as best you can and find another place when your lease is up. Make sure you give the landlord whatever notice of non-renewal is required by your lease, put it in writing, and keep a copy.

In the future make sure you keep the statutes handy and wherever you live insist, in writing, that your rights be respected if anything begins happening on day one.
Didn't we get told that was fixed already?

I don't think it is still showing up in the thread when OP picks a state from drop down menu. I understand it is being worked on though. I still rarely see a state unless OP happens to post it in his/her post besides choosing it from drop down menu. It seems here OP did choose a state but didn't post in thread.
Why would you want to stay? Look for another place to move once the lease is up and don't look back. I suggest meeting any neighbors up front if possible and making sure that the lease terms are ones you can live with before you sign.
This is one where you haven't done anything wrong but you can't win. These two people are unreasonable and always will be. You can fight for your legal rights, then they will just continue to annoy you in every possible way. Hate to tell you but moving is your best bet.
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