help buying house 10 years

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Hi, I am Judy Chlouber married to timothy Chlouber, We have been buying this house at 32957 road 159 for almost 10 years now. We have a very high interest rate from a private person. we have given over 60 thousand dollars in the past years and our house has gone down 5 thousand dollars. we signed a contract with Ed Rasmusson and Dale Dupont. we pay the taxes and insurance do all the matinance work. ed and dale want out of the 30 year contract, we don't. Ed and dale never registered we were buying the house because he didn't want the bank to know. all we have is our contract. Ed wants us to sign papers with a loan shark with even higher interest rates we don't want to because our principal is just now starting to go down. The house is old and we had to do a lot of work to keep it together. the toilet fell through the bathroom floor, the old chemmeny fell through the roof and had water leek under ground had to replace all plumbing in rental house, leek under all sinks. etc. I am afraid Ed is doing to us what he did to the last person who was buying this house. Mr Crain was buying this house for 20 years and when he died ed and dale got the house back, maybe they didn't register it in his name like us. A few years ago Ed took a loan out on this house and put it in his pocket, and that why we wouldn't let me get c-set to help with the fixing of the doors and windows, he would not tell c-set we were buying this house, that was just last year, that's when I know something was wrong and wanting out of our contract .please help use get a loan from you. My husband just this last year had to go on disability from his knee giving out he was in construction work. He has to get an operation in it. We are raising two grandchildren. My phone number 559 798-1629 my email I feel Ed and Dale has been cheating us all these years.thankyou please contact me and let me know what we should do
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