Assault & Battery Help! Damage / interruption of communication device charge

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New Member
My husband assaulted me and was charged with Assault(DV) and Disorderly Conduct. I was also charged. When he attacked me I defended myself and he went to call the police on me. I told him to go ahead and do so but not from my phone, the phone I pay the bill on. I told him to use his own phone and I pulled out the phone cord. Now I have a charge of Interruption of a Communication Device. How serious is this? I know it's a Class B Misdemeanor and I can face up to 6 months in jail. Will that really happen? He's the one who assaulted me. The police report even states that.
ninabeats said:
My husband assaulted me and was charged with Assault(DV) and Disorderly Conduct. I was also charged. When he attacked me I defended myself and he went to call the police on me. I told him to go ahead and do so but not from my phone, the phone I pay the bill on. I told him to use his own phone and I pulled out the phone cord. Now I have a charge of Interruption of a Communication Device. How serious is this? I know it's a Class B Misdemeanor and I can face up to 6 months in jail. Will that really happen? He's the one who assaulted me. The police report even states that.

Plead not guilty, speak to no one about this matter. Ask the court to appoint a lawyer to represent you.

If you've admitted to this, don't worry about that. From this point forward, just remain silent. Be polite and respectful at all times, and do not miss any court proceedings.

Worse case scenario: you'll get some community service, take an anger management class, pay a fine, and get probation. Keep your nose clean, and thus thing goes away.

Best case: the prosecutor drops it, when your lawyer starts to work for you.
Yes, he may have assaulted you, but unfortunately what you did is a crime. Here in California I believe doing that is a felony. lawyer up as suggested. This has the potential to be a serious charge, but if there isn't much of a history here, and depending on the circumstances, it can be made to go away.
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