Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI Help!!DUI Calif.

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I am 18 yrs. old and was pulled over for speeding (going 60 in a 40mp zone) I took a BAC test, it came out to .09. The legal limit in Calif. is .08. I have to go to court tomorrow 10\10\01.
I do not know what to do. This is my first offense and my last.
Can anyone help me? Tips? I am very nervous.:confused:
Originally posted by Firesauce:
I am 18 yrs. old and was pulled over for speeding (going 60 in a 40mp zone) I took a BAC test, it came out to .09. The legal limit in Calif. is .08. I have to go to court tomorrow 10\10\01.
I do not know what to do. This is my first offense and my last.
Can anyone help me? Tips? I am very nervous.:confused:
Your options are more limited since you agreed to take the test. It's very late to ask this question. Here is an informative web site from a CA DUI attorney. He says, and make sense, you don't need an attorney by your side to plead guilty if that is what you will do. You may want to talk to the prosecutor before trial and see what can be worked out. You may want to bring someone to be supportive. Here's the link:
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