HELP!!! Fired for Backround Check-After being hired!!!

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I really need some help...The food service I worked for was bought out by another, I was hired by the new company just the other day after having a drug test, backround check, and INTERVIEW!! Well, just today they called to let me know that I no longer had the job because of my backround(I am a convicted felon). I don't understand HOW they could do this. They actually called me to tell me everything came back OK with the Drug test and Backround check, then asked me to come in for an interview, I signed ALL papers and was given a time card, and they told me the position I would be working and that a schedule would be ready soon. WTF?? I have 3 kids and really depended on this job because being laid off really hurt the bank. Can they do this? Can someone be hired after PASSING a backround then FIRED because of a backround? Doesn't seem right to me. I am confused and really need answers! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME OUT!
Sorry, but there's a new sheriff in town and with new management comes new rules. Being a convicted felon is not a protected characteristic in most states. If the new management has decided that they no longer want you working there, they can do that. It sounds as if everyone was not on the same page initially and that's a shame, but nothing illegal has transpired.

You will almost certainly qualify for unemployment, so be sure to apply immediately.

I was actually rehired through the new management and then fired the next day due to the backround check...they hired me after saying I passed the backround check then called after I filled out and signed ALL paperwork just to say sorry but we can't work you...that isn't very fair!:no:
I agree it's not fair. But unfair and illegal are two different things, and this is not illegal.
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