Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Help... I don't know if this is legal or not

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I was at the park with some friends and 5 minutes after I got there 2 cop cars, and a K-9 unit drove up. I had weed on me, and so did my friends, so we went to one of my friends house across the street. The cops came on to the property and said if we didn't come sit in the yard that they would get the dog on us. They told us to give them our weed. We did, since they said we would get off easy if we did. They started to search some of my friends while explaining that someone had called and said that there were suspicous figures at the park, and they thought that we were smoking weed. We weren't doing anything but playing basketball. Two of my friends got in trouble. Is it legal for them to come on to the property just because we looked sucpicous?
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