Help:::Insurance offer 1/2 of value of vehicle

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a few months ago we purchased and had repaired and water damage vehicle. all repairs were complete everything was 100% on vehicle, had it reinspected and title update, title now say's water damage - repaired.... dmv inspector assessed damage was only 1% of vehicle, so we called insurance company put full coverge on it and ask insurance company if they need to see vehicle to take picture or anything... they said about 2 months later my wife had an accident and the vechile was totaled, now the only want to offer us less than 1/2 of what he vehicle is worth.....and kbb value is 23995 their offer was 10500, i could see and few thousand less for the past history that the vehicle has but everything was fixed or replace.... what do i do.

we paid 12,600 plus had about 6000 in cost to fix/repair it total about 19000

thanks for any info.

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