Help me get my dog back !!

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New Member
I have a 12 year old dog Its registered to my name and my adress I went on a trip to california for 3 months asked my parents if they would watch it they agreed until i settled down ourt there and I would fly my dog to me or if i didnt like it out there I would come back and pick my dog up. They have now siad that they are not giving my dog back and that they refuse to talk to me do to the fact that im gay and have siad some pretty nasty things im 20 years old i have paid for this dog all her medical bills and everything I have called the police they have siad its a civil case and were no help at all period!! What can I do to get my dog back I dont have money for a lawyer is there free options please please please help me !!
If you can't afford a lawyer, you'll never see Rover again.

Your parents are being unreasonable, but as you've been told, this is a civil matter.

It'll cost you a small fortune to sue them.

Why not try talking to mother?

Women are somewhat more reasonable about these kinds of issues.
Your simplest solution is to go back home and get your dog.
If that isn't a reasonable option for you, then perhaps it is time to get a new dog.
Any legal action you might want to take would have to take place in Minnesota.
This isn't a battle worth fighting. Just be happy to know your dog is in good hands.
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