Help Me PLEASE!!!!

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New Member
Hi, I hope you can help.My Mother passed away over a year ago,but two years befor, she went to her attorny to have an amendment made up to give me(her only living child)her house.We thought it was done,and she put my name on all her accounts.Weeks later I called the attorny for a copy of the amendment.His response was,"Why?",which didnt feel right to me.He later sent her a bill,which she paid right away,assumming it was done.She was never contacted about signing it.Altho the attorny says he tried to call once.Then after mom passed I went to the attorny's office to ask for a copy,and he told me that the executor of the trust would take care of everything,and as he recalled that I was getting the house.I got a copy of a drafted amendment,not signed.I know my mom paid the attorny for the ammendment,but he says that it was not finalized.So now we have to go by what is in the trust,which is to sell the house and split into thirds.One third to her three children,one third to the grand-children,and one third to the great grandchildren.The attorny it turns out had been charged for embeslement a few years ago,and the executor of the trust worked for this attorny at the time the trust was made.The executor is my nephew's wife,who's children are also beneficiaries.My mom's last wishes were for me to have her house and I think it is wrong that her wishes are being denied.I've been told that the attorny could sign the amendment,which would clear this whole mess up,but he wont.My children are willing to give up their share for me have the house,so are my grand children.But the majority want their inheiritance.What can I do? HELP!!!
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