Help needed in NJ

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New Member
Hi I'm located in New Jersey and I'm hoping someone can help me out. I have this posted on another board as well but the more information I receive the better.

Here's my situation:

My brother is a delivery person for an auto parts store near us. Yesterday he was told that he needed to go for a spot drug test on Tuesday. He was told that it was being done with everyone and that he was the first one. He had heard rumors that this was happening because of suspicions (he wasn't told that the suspicions were directed at him though). Just today he was told by another employee that he is being targeted because someone from one of the companies he delivers to called and said he smelled like marijuana. His boss is acting different to him and one of the other employees as well but a drug test wasn't mentioned to the other employee yet though. My question is: If he gets fired because of suspicion even though he passes the drug test what are his possible courses of action if any? Also, the customer that called and started all of this, can he sue him for defamation or anything like that? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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