help needed on child support laws of IN

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If there is anyone in here that has any information on the Indiana Emancipation Laws prior to the date: July 1, 1998. I really need help on this, I can use whatever you have. If you get anything please contact me or put up a message. Thanks
Indiana Emancipation Laws

Did you ever find out anything about IN emancipation laws? All I know is that "no questions asked" age is 21.

I moved to Indianapolis from GA last year. My support agreement jurisdiction was moved to IN. My son, in SC, is 18 and lives at home. He graduates from h.s. in June.

I wondered if you figured out how to file and support an argument for emancipation upon graduation or the child leaving home.
Thanks...I did the research since February, but I appreciate the link.

I'd just like to say that it figures that the jurisdiction for my case would move to a 21 yr. emancipation state from an 18 yr emancipation state during the 17 year....

Divorce, the gift that keeps on giving.
I'm sorry to hear that. It's unfortunate, especially when most of the men make a lot more than we do and get too much pleasure out of making life rough for us.

My ex needs nothing from me, but simply enjoys yanking my chain. If I could just give my daughter the money, things would be a lot better for me because I know that she get's nothing in the way of cash.

Yes, it keeps on giving for right now, but there will be an end to it.

Good luck and hang in there!
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