HELP PLEASE!! Blackmail by Ex / Restraining Order

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I really need some help/advice!! An ex of mine is threatening to send potentially damaging information on me to my employer, my school, and my education accredidation system.
I have been told by him that if I stop talking to him and stop working toward a possible reconciliation, he will send information about me to several members of my family, my employer's HR department, my school and my school accredidation system.
I have text messages that say things like "if u F me over...itd be WAR, and it'd be bloody"..."you'd be better off moving" "there's still HR, dept. of student affairs, et. al." "i have a long list [of people to send info] and can keep this up and ugly as long as i have to" "[call me] or prepare for a resp[onse]" "dont test me" "hours of silence is akin to declaration of war...let games begin, hope you're ready for what you've started"

I am very worried because of some information that I would be very embarrassed if it reached my family,work, employer.

My question is this: is there any way I can protect myself? Can I get a restraining order? Could a restraining order prevent him from contacting my family, work, employer? I do not know exactly where he lives because he recently moved, but I know the general vicinity. Is there any way for the cops to find a person if I can give them a 2 mile radius? Maybe by public records from a lease?
Is there any way I can charge him with blackmail?
I really just want him to leave me alone. I am very concerned about him giving information to my school, emploer. My family i am pretty sure will not believe anything he sends.
He allegedly has had a private investigator follow me...sounds crazy, but I would never put it past him.
What legal protection is there? I am scared, don't know what to do, don't have money for a lawyer. I just want this person to leave me alone, but he doesn't want to and I am afraid he has damaging/embarassing information on me.

PLEASE HELP! I do not know where else to turn and am extremely scared for my life, my future, my family, etc.

ANY advice/thoughts would be welcomed. I am BEGGING for help!

Thank you so much!!
My question is this: is there any way I can protect myself? Can I get a restraining order? Could a restraining order prevent him from contacting my family, work, employer? I do not know exactly where he lives because he recently moved, but I know the general vicinity. Is there any way for the cops to find a person if I can give them a 2 mile radius? Maybe by public records from a lease?
Cops would not look for someone if they are not investigating a crime……….there is no crime here, at least now.

Is there any way I can charge him with blackmail?
Not under such circumstances…… There is no evidence here of a crime.

I really just want him to leave me alone. I am very concerned about him giving information to my school, employer. My family I am pretty sure will not believe anything he sends.
My personal opinion is…………Just let him do whatever…..How long would you go against your will to please him or avoid him from doing whatever? Handle it now or later……..You would end up dealing with it at some point…….

He allegedly has had a private investigator follow me...sounds crazy, but I would never put it past him.
What legal protection is there? I am scared, don't know what to do, don't have money for a lawyer. I just want this person to leave me alone, but he doesn't want to and I am afraid he has damaging/embarassing information on me.
Again…….you have to deal with it at some point now or in the future. He has not yet done anything which could warrant a police investigation or a crime.

You might want to talk to common friends to help talk him out of it. There is not enough for cops to actively get involved. You can try…….I could be wrong. I don't think you have enough to get a restraining order at this point. There is no threat from your post or enough reasons to warrant one. Even if you get one, it would not stop him from circulating his info he previously got within limits of the law.
In the same basic situation -- if that's any consulation. Seems to me, however, that harrassment, blackmail (moral pressure), or some other intent to inflict mental suffering should apply....heck, I don't know. I am about to consult w/ an attorney. Let's keep in touch/update. Collins (female)
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