Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Help please, friends involved, girl claims rape; needs some advice?

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Hi, two of my friends (friend 1 and friend 2) were at a house party when they got a call from two girls (girl 1 and girl 2) (that one of my friends had sex with before (he had a threesome with both of them)) that said they wanted to have sex again.

My two friends went into their room and told the girls it was fine to come. After drinking some beer, my two friends took some drugs (xanax) for fun, they weren't prescribed so technically they were illegal, these were Friend 1's drugs. The two girls curiously asked about the drug, and after an explanation was given, they begged my friend for it. Friend 1, after explaining what it did, gave it to them. Then, Friend 1 tried to have sex with Girl 1 (under her approval, she asked for it) but she was on her period, so they decided not to do it; he never penetrated her. In the meantime, Friend 2 was having sex with the Girl 2. After this, Friend 2 decides to leave and go back to his neighborhood (he was visiting Friend 1 at his school) . Friend 1 asks Friend 2 to drive Girl 1 back to where she lived, which was about 45 minutes away from where Friend 2 lived.

After being a bit reluctant, Friend 2 decided to drive her back, he was pretty drunk though. Friend 2 makes it back with Girl 1 but he takes her back to his neighborhood instead of hers (which was 45 mins away). She begs for him to have sex with her, even though she was on her period, but they decided, together, to do it anyway. After the sex was finished, she (girl 1) asked him (friend 2) to drive her back to her own neighborhood (45 mins out). He didn't want to do it, and instead told her how to get back from the train. She didnt understand, she was completely messed up, so he just kicked her out of his car. She was crying, and a witness saw Friend 2 kick Girl 1 out of his car. The witness took Girl 1 to the hospital, where she claimed rape on both of them even though Friend 1 never even had sex with her. Now her dad is pressing charges and supposedly has 5 lawyers for 5 different charges. After a drug test, they found that she did have xanax in her, which is classified as a date rape drug.

Friend 2 = 20 yrs old
Friend 1 = 20 yrs old
Girl 1 = 18 yrs old
Girl 2 = 18 yrs old

What should my Friends do? What are the consequences of this? Please help, I'm really worried for them.

It is a first offense for both of them (if there even is a case for it), they're two good kids, who just got caught up in a mess. They were never arrested or convicted of anything.

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.
23 minutes ago - 1 week left to answer.
Additional Details

23 minutes ago
Will they be in serious trouble?
22 minutes ago
Are they in serious trouble?
14 minutes ago
This is the state of New York, and please address each of them individually, as who will be in more trouble, etc.

Some quick facts:

Friend 1 : didn't have sex with Girl 1, only supplied the drugs which she wanted

Friend 2: had sex with Girl 1, left her out by herself, she BEGGED him to **** her although they were both under the influence
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