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New Member
We moved here to gaston Sc from the upstate in July 2007, for my husbands job. We paid these people $700.00 deposit. In November I got a notice on the door that the place was going into forclosure. That is odd because we had the option to buy this place after a years lease. Well, In January of this year, they moved us into another of their properties. Told us we had the option to buy this on in July 2008. They were going to just move our lease to the new place and make it look like we were here all along. However she never showed up with the amended lease for us to sign. There fore we have been living here since January without being under a lease. These people we found out are very crooked and were found guilty 2 years ago for real eastate fraud in the amount of 5.5 million dollars. We decided that at the end of June, we were getting out of here. Well yesterday I got a phone call, they have sold this place as of yesterday. Now the new owners want to come by tomorrow night and us sign a lease with them, plus they want a security deposit. The old owners have the deposit, why are we obligated to make another deposit just because they bought this place? How can we get our deposit back and get out of signing a new lease. This is just a whole big mess. Please help asap, thanks Dawn Beaudette
Check the landlord/tenant laws of your state. Usually, on lease agreements, there is a clause that states that landlords must notify their tenants regarding the sale of the property being occupied. My suggestion is do not sign a new lease until the previous owners give you back your security deposit. If they don't do that, take them to small claims court. Good Luck!
thank you

Thank you for taking time out of your day to answer that. I do think that is a good start. I may just call a local attorney tomorrow and find out what the laws are here. Thanks again. :angel
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